The Day of Russian Science!

We congratulate you with the professional holiday – The Day of Russian Science! Work of Scientists is a foundation for abundance and prosperity of Russia, it is a basis of our scientific and technical development. We wish you new discoveries and success, growth and development, health and happiness!

The Monograph “Introduction to the Methods for Obtaining Film Solid Electrolytes for SOFC “authored by L.A. Dunyushkina Is Published

The monograph of a senior researcher of the Laboratory of Electrochemical Material Science PhD L.A. Dunyushkina entitled “Introduction to the Methods for Obtaining Film Solid Electrolytes for SOFC“ was published. This monograph is focused on the systematization and generalization of the experience of Russian and foreign researchers in obtaining solid electrolyte films for solid oxide …

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Russian Science Foundation Supports 3 Projects of IHTE UB RAS

IHTE UB RAS gained a great success at the competition “Implementation of fundamental scientific studies and scientific research in top priority investigation fields” organized by the Russian Science Foundation. Out of 5 projects sent 3 projects earned an award. These projects are “projects -pioneers”, despite of a vast experience in participation in different Russian and …

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Participation in the “FORTEX” international forum of technological innovations of Russia and Kazakhstan

The IHTE UB RAS representatives took part in the International Forum of technological innovations of Russia and Republic of Kazakhstan, which was held on 18th-19th November in the Ural Federal University.  Dedyukihn A.E., the Deputy Director of IHTE UB RAS, made a report “Novel investigations in science and technology in the field of electrochemistry” within …

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The IHTE UB RAS took an active part in Titanium cluster’s events within the Innorpom-2015 frames

       The IHTE UB RAS took part in the “Titanium cluster of the Ural region” innovative regional cluster within the frames of the VI International exhibition and forum of industry and innovations “INNOPROM-2015”.      Created in 2012, the Titanium cluster of the Ural region is in the list of 25 innovative regional …

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The IHTE UB RAS delegation has visited the Dalian maritime university

      Within the frames of the triple agreement signed in November 2014 between the Dalian maritime university of People’s Republic of China, the Ural Federal University named after the first president of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, and the Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry of UB RAS a decision to visit the Dalian maritime university has …

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Visit of the IHTE UB RAS to the Belorus state technological university

       During negotiations with the representatives of the Belorus state technological university (Minsk) in June 2015 the triple agreements of scientific cooperation between the IHTE UB RAS, Belorus state technological university, and Ural Federal University named after the first president of Russia B.N.          Yeltsin have been prepared for signing. …

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Delegation of IHTE UB RAS has visited the II Russian-Chinese EXPO in China

         In October 2015, the delegation of the IHTE UB RAS has visited People’s Republic of China. Within the frames of Second Russian-Chinese EXPO in Harbin a number of meetings were arranged in order to consolidate collaboration of scientific, educational and industrial organizations of two countries. The Institute employees took part in …

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The IHTE UB RAS researchers took part in the conference “Fundamental investigations and last achievements in the field of founding, deformation, thermal processing and protection against corrosion of aluminum alloys”,Moscow

       The IHTE UB RAS researchers took part in the conference “Fundamental investigations and last achievements in the field of founding, deformation, thermal processing and protection against corrosion of aluminum alloys” in the All-Russian scientific-research institute of aircraft materials (VIAM) in Moscow on the 9th October 2015.          At the …

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The Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry has held a workshop “Electrochemical devices on solid oxide proton electrolytes” on the 23-24th September 2015

    The Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry has held a workshop “Electrochemical devices on solid oxide proton electrolytes” in the “Oktyabrskaya” hotel on the 23-24th September 2015. Professor P.Tsiakaras, Greek scientist working in the IHTE UB RAS within the frames of the Megagrant project (contract № 14.Z50.31.0001, session: “Development of solid oxide electrochemical cells with …

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