About IHTE

The Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science (IHTE UB RAS) was founded in January 1958 on the base of the Laboratory of Molten Salts Electrochemistry, a worthy part of the Ural electrochemistry research school tradition. Professor Smrinov M.V., Doctor of Science (Chemistry), honored Master of Science and Technology of RSFSR, was the founder and the first head of the Institute.  In the following years the Institute was led by such distinguished people as Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Science Karpachev S.V., Academician Baraboshkin A.N, professor and Doctor of Science (Chemistry) Khokhlov V.A.   Professor Zaikov Yu.P., Doctor of Science (Chemistry) and honored scientist of Russian Federation, has been the head of the Institute since 2006. Nowadays the IHTE UB RAS is the only institution that specializes in the field of high temperature physical chemistry and electrochemistry of molten salts and solid state electrolytes. During 55 years the IHTE UB RAS has been engaged in fundamental studies focused on creation, development and application of the following:

  • Theoretical and experimental foundations of modern physical chemistry and electrochemistry of molten salts and solid state electrolytes;
  • Principles of electrochemical processes for the production and physical-chemical analysis of new materials for various applications in corrosive environment and high temperatures;
  • Scientific fundamentals of resource saving human and environment friendly technologies for electrochemical processes used for the production, refining, and protection of metals and processing inorganic raw materials;
  • Principles for construction of high temperature molten and solid electrolyte devices which provide the most rational direct conversion of molecular energy into electric power.

Most of the practical applications and projects are developed in cooperation with leading scientific and industrial production companies and research centers in Russia (fuel company TVEL (Rosatom), FSUE (Federal State Unitary Enterprise), RFNC (Russian Federal Nuclear Centre) – VNIITF (Russian Scientific Research Institute of Technical Physics named after academician Zababakhin E.I.), NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, UEChW (Ural Electrochemical Works)OJSC, SSC RIAR (State Scientific Center- Research Institute of Atomic Reactors) OJSC, SverdNIIchemmash OJSC, Chepetsk Mechanical Works JSC, Solykamsk Magnesium Works JSC, UMMC JSC, Uralelectromed JSC, etc), USA, Korea, Germany, Norway, France, Italy, Great Britain, Spain, and other countries. The Institute intellectual property is protected by Russian and foreign patents.