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Ионные расплавы упругие и калорические свойстваIonic melts: tensive and caloric properties

Minchenko V.I., Stepanov V.P.

Ekaterinburg, IHTE UB RAS. 2008.p.367

Associate editor :  Khokhlov V.A., professor, Doctor of Science (Chemistry)

Reviewer: Popel, P.S. professor, doctor of Science (phys.-math.)

The monograph contains full experimental material regarding density of ionic melts and rate of ultrasound propagation, and based on these properties  the molar volume, bond energy, enthalpy, entropy, heat capacity, compressibility, volume viscosity and internal pressure were calculated. Research methods and regularities of properties changes depending on the ions sizes and charges are discussed in detail.  The possible structural transformations occurred at the melt composition changing and the accompaning energy redistribution of interparticle interaction are considered. The book is intended for scientists, engineers engaged in research of ionic melts structure and their applying in high-temperature processes. It can be useful for undergraduate and PhD students specialized in the field of physical chemistry and high-temperature electrochemistry.


Высокотемпературная кислородопроницаемость оксидовHigh-temperature oxygen permeability of oxides

Gilderman V.K., Palguev S.F.

Ekaterinburg, “Nauka”, 1995. 91 p.

Associate editor: Neuymin A.D. (PhD, Chemistry)

Reviewer : Burmakin E.I.

Methods of determination and mechanism of high-temperature oxygen permeability of oxides in a wide range of oxygen partial pressures are reviewed in this monograph. The oxygen permeability of oxides was found to be connected with the other characteristics of oxides, such as an electron and ion conductivity, and with other transport parameters.



Высокотемпературная электрохимия кальция
High-temperature electrochemistry of calcium

Zaykov Yu.P., Shurov N.I., Suzdaltsev A.V.

Ekaterinburg, PBD UB RAS, 2013. 200 p.

Associate Editor: Kudyakov V.Ya. (Doctor of Science, Chemistry, professor)

Reviewer: Lebedev V.A. (Doctor of Science, Chemistry, professor)

The modern systematic data on physical and chemical properties of calcium, its compounds and alloys, and physical properties of molten salts utilized in electrolytic production of calcium (calcium production by electrolysis) are reviewed. Experimental study of electrode processes at liquid and solid cathodes and calcium interaction with its molten chloride are considered. The emphasis is upon the development of the technology of calcium production by electrolysis, including the cell design. The basic achievements in industrial implementation of the 15 kA cells fitted with liquid copper cathode are presented.

The book is intended for professionals in the field of physical chemistry and electrochemistry of ionic melts and industrial technologists.


Высокотемпературный электролиз газовHigh-temperature gases electrolysis

Perfiliev M.V., Demin A.K., Kuzin B.L., Lipilin A.S.

M., Nauka, 1988. 232 p.

Associate editor: KarpachevS.V., Associate Member of the Academy of Science of USSR

The theoretical and experimental data on the high-temperature electrolysis of gases are summarized in the monograph. The book represents the most important aspects: thermodynamics of processes occurred during high-temperature electrolysis, properties of solid oxide electrolytes, production technology, electrode processes, heat- and mass-transport, design of high-temperature cells.  It is intended for electrochemists and engineers engaged with the subject of separation and decomposition of gases.



Электрохимическое фазообразованиеElectrochemical phase formation

Isaev V.A.

Ekaterinburg, UB RAS, 2007. 123 p.

Associate editor: Kudyakov V.Ya., Doctor of Science (Chemistry), professor

Reviewer: Murashova I.B., Doctor of Science (Chemistry), professor

Theoretical problems arising at electrochemical phase formation are considered. The systematic evaluation of the crystallization processes was carried out. The calculation methods for electrochemical phase formation, which allow describing all stages:  adatoms appearing, nucleation, growth, new phase overlapping, formation of island-type, continuous layers of new phase at the electrode, are presented.  The stages of electrochemical processes, mechanisms of nucleation and growth of new phase in electrochemical system are studied.


Пленки твердооксидных электролитовSolid oxide electrolyte films

Yushina L.D.

Ekaterinburg, PBD UB RAS, 2012. 138 p.

Associate Editor: Kurumchin E.H., Doctor of Science (Chemistry)

Reviewer: Rudoi V.M., Doctor of Science (Chemistry), professor, Ischuk V.P., PhD

A wealth of scientific, technical, and patent information regarding methods of producing thin-film structures and studying properties of solid oxide electrolyte films is reviewed and systematized in this book. Properties of solid oxide electrolyte films formed on the base of the stabilized ZrO2, doped by CeO2, as well as p-B2O3 and oxides with perovskite and apatite structures are considered. Much attention was paid to the methods and techniques of producing thin electrolyte films for fuel cells of planar, tubular and completely film-type constructions.

This book is addressed to a wide range of experts in chemistry, physics and solid state electrochemistry; it provides a thorough introduction for researchers engaged in creation of the film electrochemical devices on the base of SOFC; it can be used as a study guide for teachers, postgraduates and students specialized in the field of electrochemical energy converters.

Твердотельная хемотроникаSolid state chemotronics

Yushina L.D.

Yekaterinburg, UB RAS, 2003. 204 p.

Reviewer: Minchenko V.I., Doctor of Science (Chemistry)

Solid state chemotronics is a novel sci-tech prospect emerged across automatics and electronics and solid electrolyte electrochemistry. It was urged to develop general theoretical and technological principles of electrochemical information converters (chemotrons), and practical application of these devices. The review of known publications related to chemotronics is provided in this monograph. Different types of the solid state chemotronic devices, developed in our country and abroad, their operating principles, design and characteristics are considered. The opportunities and routes forward of chemotronic instrument engineering on the base of superionic conductors are discussed.

The book, proposed for scientific-and-technological staff, lecturers, students, postgraduates, will be interesting and useful to all who keeps abreast in scientific and technological developments.


Анодные процессы в расплавленных галогенидахAnode processes in molten halides

Ivanovsky L.E., Lebedev V.A., Nekrasov V.N.

M., Nauka, 1983. 268 p.

Associate editor: Paspopin S.P. Doctor of Science (Chemistry), professor

Experimental data related to the study of anode processes in molten alkali halides including processes at indifferent anodes entailing gas evolution and at soluble electrodes made of refractory and liquid metals are generalized in this monograph. The salt and metal phases impact on electrode polarizability is demonstrated.





АнаньевIsotope oxygen exchange

Theoretical foundations of the method and evaluation of oxygen exchange kinetics for nonstoichiometric oxides

Ekaterinburg, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. 2012. 194p.

Ananiev M.V.

Studying the exchange kinetics of oxygen in gas phase with oxides using the isotope exchange method is a crucial task, whereas the rates of exchange reactions substantially determine the key operational parameters of electrochemical devices based on oxide materials: solid oxide fuel cells, electrochemical reformers, pumps, sensors, etc.

The oxygen exchange kinetics data for a number of oxides: oxygen-ion electrolytes, high-temperature proton conductors and materials with the mixed electron and oxygen-ion conductivity are presented.  Special attention was paid to evaluation of exchange mechanism for oxides being studied. The temperature, oxygen pressure and oxide composition impact on the interphase exchange rate, oxygen diffusion coefficient and contribution of three types of oxygen exchange is considered. This book can be of practical interest to students and postgraduates, and experts in the field of producing oxide materials for heterogeneous catalysis and high-temperature electrochemical devices.

Электродные потенциалы в расплавленных хлоридахElectrode potentials in molten chlorides

Smirnov M.V.

M.:Nauka, 1973. 247 p.

Associate editor: Palguyev S.F. PhD, Chemistry

Metal potentials in chloride and chloride-fluoride melts are presented in this monograph. High-temperature galvanic cells are considered. The diffusion coefficients in galvanic cells and complex formation impact on electrode potentials are discussed.





Оксиды с примесной разупорядоченностью состав, структура, фазовые превращения
Oxides with impurity disorder: composition, structure, phase transition

Strekalovskiy V.N., Poleghaev Yu.M., Palguyev S.F.

M.: Nauka, 1987. 158 p.

Associate editor: Neuymin A.D., PhD

Reviewers: Balakirev V.F., Doctor of Science (Chemistry), Yushina L.D. Doctor of Science (Chemistry)

Research results related to oxide electrolytes applied in producing modern electrolytic devices are systematized in this monograph. Methods to study composition, structure, and phase transition of oxides with impurity disorder are presented.

This book is intended for specialists in the field of solid state chemistry and technology of refractory oxide materials.


Ориентированный рост вольфрамовых бронз при электролизе расплавовOriented growth of oxide tungsten bronzes at melts electrolysis

Vakarin S.V.

Ekaterinburg: IHTE UB RAS 2005. 109 p.

Associate editor: Isaev V.A., DSc (Chemistry)

Reviewer: Tarasov A.Ya., DSc (Physics and Math)

The monograph is devoted to the description of the oxide tungsten bronzes monocrystals growth during the electrocrystallization. Both free and concurrent crystals growth was studied. In the case of the free crystal growth, the following parameters were analyzed: their faceting, facets morphology, growth rate anisotropy, chemical composition and structure. A special technique to detect the monocrystals orientation directly in the melt was developed. It was found possible to control the monocrystals habit, the mechanism of the concurrent growth of crystals with different structures and regimes to form single monocrystals of desired orientation are detected. A new mechanism of crystals habit formation is described.

The monograph is intended for a broad academic audience, specializing in the field of crystallization.

Вязкость расплавленных галогенидов щелочных металлов и их бинарных смесейViscosity of molten alkali halides and their binary mixtures

Smirnov M.V., Khokhlov V.A., Antonov A.A.

M.: Nauka. 1979. 101 p.

Associate editor: Baraboshkin A.N., Academician

The book provides reference data on viscosity of molten alkali halides and their binary mixtures known. The experimental measurement methods of molten salts viscosity are discussed, the abundant reference data on temperature and concentration dependences of molten alkali halides and their binary mixtures viscosities on their ionic composition are presented. The melts viscosity measurement techniques are evaluated.



Структура электрохимических покрытий. Атлас
Structure of electrochemical coatings


Martemianova Z.S., Esin O.N.

Ekaterinburg: UB RAS. 2005

Associate editor: Plaksin S.V.,PhD (Chemistry)

Reviwer: Vovkotrub E.G., PhD (Chemistry)

The Atlas presents systematic research results regarding the structures of oli- and multicrystalline electrolytic coatings made of refractory metals (W, Mo, Re, Cr, Ti), silicon and germanium, obtained by molten salts electrolysis by the Laboratory of Electrocrystallization of the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The primary attention is devoted to the surface morphology and coatings structure development dynamics using the metallographic studies of the deposits specimen. The dependence of the coatings structure on the electrolysis conditions (melt composition, electrolysis temperature, deposition current density)is demonstrated.

The book is intended for a broad academic society specializing in crystallization processes and their structure.


Борирование сталей в ионных расплавах малSteel boriding in ionic melts

Cherbov Ya.B., Anfinoguenov A.I.,Shurov N.I.

Ekaterinburg: UB RAS. 2001. 223p.

Associate editor: Loginov N.A., PhD (Chemistry)

Reviewer: Khokhlov V.A., professor, DSc (Chemistry)

The book provides systematic data on iron and different steel brands diffusion boriding in molten salts without electrolysis. The physical-chemical foundations of currentless boriding methods and boride coating technologies are analyzed. Their properties and examples of industrial implementation are described.




Solid State ElectrochemistrySolid State Electrochemistry
Chapter 4. Electrode Processes on Metallic Electrodes in Contact with Fluorite — Like FCC Solid Electrolytes

S. N. Shkerin

Nova Science Publishers Inc. New York. 2010. P. 308

Editors: Thomas G. Willard

This book includes a detailed study on the electrochemical oxidation and corrosion of metals (silver, copper and their alloys) in concentrated aqueous electrolytes solutions. The properties of the electronic subsystem of the solid electrolyte and their effect on the electrode process are discussed as well. In addition, natural and synthesized porous materials are deemed as one of the most important object of study in major contemporary technologies. The authors of this book analyze results of experimental researches revealing the regularities of high-voltage electric discharges influence in solutions of surface-active substances on the absorption processes. Moreover, reaction dynamics at the passive film/solution interface is an important subject from a theoretical and practical point-of-view. In this book, the relative importance of isovalent and oxidative dissolution is estimated, as well as anion-assisted solubilisation during oxidation of stainless alloys. Other chapters discuss non-crystalline semiconductors, crucial to a number of major technological notably in domains of electronic devices energy storage, and converters and environmental monitoring such as batteries, fuel cells and sensor technology. The structure, optical properties, electronic and ionic conduction mechanisms of non-crystalline semi-conductors are explored as well.


Электрохимия твёрдых электролитовElectrochemistry of solid electrolytes

Chebotin V.N., Perfiliev M.V.

M.: Khimiya/ Chemistry. 1978. 312 p.

Editor: Shegoleva V.I.

Technical editor: Voznesenskaya R. M.

The book systematically describes the theory of basic electrochemical phenomena in solid electrolytes and at the solid electrolyte/electrode boundaries. The peculiarities of experimental research methods of solid electrolyte cells are presented and basic experimental regularities are demonstrated. The principles of practical application of solid electrolytes are provided.

The book is destined both for electrochemical specialists and for a broad academic audience. It will be useful for PhD students and graduate students, specializing in physics and chemistry of solid state.


Основные вопросы электрохимии расплавленных солейPrincipal questions of molten salts electrochemistry

Stepanov V.P.

Ekaterinburg: UB RAS

Associate editor:  Zaykov Yu.P., DSc (Chemistry)

Reviewer:  Nekrasov B.N., DSc (Chemistry)

The basic issues of molten salt electrochemistry including equilibrium and non-equilibrium electrolyte properties, electrodes equilibrium thermodynamics, nature of potential and electromotive forces jumps, double electric layer morphology and electrode processes kinetics are presented.

This book is recommended to research workers, engineers, PhD students and graduate students as an educational aid.


Физическая химия расплавов галогеновPhysical chemistry of haloid solutions in halide melts

V.N. Nekrasov V.N

Moscow: Nauka.1992. 216 p.

Associate editor: Raspopin S.P., professor, DSc (Technology)

Reviewers:  Stepanov G.K., DSc (Chemistry),  Lebed V.A., DSc (Chemistry)

The monograph provides experimental data and develops a model understanding of chemical and electrochemical behavior of haloid solutions (chloride, bromine an iodide) and fluoride-containing gases in halide melts. The gas-electrolyte and gas-electrolyte-electrode equilibria, transport properties of dissolved gases, kinetics and mechanism of electrode processes at gas halide electrodes are analyzed.



Электрокристаллизация металлов из расплавленных солейMetals electrocrystallization in molten salts

Baraboshkin A.N.

Moscow: Nauka.1976. 280 p.

The monograph considers basic regularities of metals electrocrystallization in molten salts, including cathode nucleation, electrode processes kinetics, current microdistribution and cathode deposits structure. A special attention was devoted to the electrodeposition of continuous layers of refractory metals, oriented deposits formation, in particular.

The book is intended for the researchers in the field of electrochemistry, solid state physics and refractory metals metallurgy.





Физическая химия поверхности твердых электродов в солевых расплавах. Physical chemistry of solid electrodes in molten salts

Stepanov V.P.

Ekaterinburg: UB RAS, 2005. – 324p.

Associate editor: Kononenko V.I., DSc (Chemistry)

Reviewer: Bronin D.I., DSc (Chemistry)

The monograph describes the issues to detect formation energy and surface tension of charges solid states in contact with ionic melts. The experimental methods used to measure them are analyzed.

The experimental results obtained mainly by the Laboratory of Phase Boundary Phenomena of the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry were used to determine the regularities of changes in interfacial energy, tension, wetted angles, adhesion, double electric layer capacity, electric charge density and null charge potentials on temperature, potential, nature of contacting phases without electrode elastic deformation and with electrode elastic deformation.

The adsorption model of ions at charged metallic surfaces, based on complex forming metals ions properties in presence of donating electron, i.e. salt phase anions, is proved by the ensemble of these results and published data on electrodes behavior in water electrolyte solutions.

The book is intended for specialists in the field of physical chemistry of the surface; it may be useful for graduate students and PhD students.


Физическая химия и электрохимия хлоралюминатных расплавов.

Physical chemistry and electrochemistry of chloraluminate melts

Ivanovskiy L.Ye,, Khokhlov V.A., Kazantsev G.F.

Moscow: Nauka.1993. – 251 p.

Associate editor: Raspopin S.P. ,professor, DSc (Technology)

Reviewes: Ilushenko N.G., DSc (Chemistry), Lebed V.A., DSc (Chemistry)

The monography summarizes results of physical-chemical and electrochemical study of chloraluminate melts. The authors gave a full treatment of properties and reaction possibility of halide melts containing aluminum chloride relatively to their real ionic composition.

The influence of different factors on the mechanism and kinetics of electrode reactions are described. The scientific basics of aluminium and its alloys electrodeposition are developed. The electrolyzer constructions for aluminium production are presented.

The book is intended for research workers and production engineers, interested by the problems of physical chemistry and electrochemistry of ionic melts, electrometallurgy, electrocatalysis as well as developments of chemical current sources with molten salts.


Кислородный перенос в оксидных электронных проводникахOxygen transfer in oxide electronic conductors

Palguyev S.F., Gilderman V.K.

Ekaterinburg: UB RAS. 2004. 183 p.

Associate editor: Neuymin A.D., PhD (Chemistry)

Reviewer: Burmakin Ye.I., DSc (Chemistry)

The monograph systemizes physical-chemical properties of perovskite structured oxides – cobaltites, manganites, ferrites, chromites of two and three valence metals and their solid oxides.  The parameters of oxygen transfer, including diffusion coefficients, oxygen-ionic conductivity and oxygen permeability are analyzed in details.




Современное состояние, проблемы и перспективы применения материалов на основе церата бария

Current state, problems and prospects for the use of materials based on barium cerate.
D.A. Medvedev, A.A. Murashkina
Ekaterinburg, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. 2015. 244 p.









ЭлектрохимияElectrochemistry of molten salts
Zaikov Yu.P., Kovrov V.A., Kataev A.A., Suzdaltsev A.V., Kholkina A.S., Pershin P.S.
Ekaterinburg, Publishing House of the Ural University, 2014, 124 p.









Электроосаждение вольфрама из расплавленных солей

Electrodeposition of tungsten from molten salts
Molchanov A.M.
Ekaterinburg; RIO UB RAS, 2014.-124 p.

ЭлектрохимияHandbook of Nanoparticles

Springer International Publishing

Switzerland, 2016

Chapter 28 «The spectral properties of (SiO2)n, (GaN)m, (GaAs)m, (SiO2)n(GaN)m, and (SiO2)n(GaAs)m Nanoparticles: Computer Experiment»

Galashev A.E.

This Handbook covers all aspects of Nanoparticles, from their preparation to their practical application. The chapters present different ways to synthesize nanometer particles, as well as their functionalization and other surface treatments to allow them to a practical use. Several industrial applications of such nanometer particles are also covered in this Handbook. It is a complete reference for those working with Nanotechnology at the lab level, from students to professionals.

compuyer vision

Computer Vision and Simulation: Methods, Applications and Technology

Chapter 3 «Computer Study of the Interaction of Mercury with Graphene»

Galashev A.E.

 Nova science publishers. New York, USA, 2016

Chapter Three provides a computer study of the interaction of mercury with graphene.








mass transferMass Transfer – Advanced Aspects

Chapter  «Electrochemistry of Tm(III) and Yb(III) in Molten Salts»

Alena Novoselova, Valeri Smolenski, Alexander Osipenko and Michael Kormilitsyn

IntechOpen, 2011

The chapter is devoted to determination of the electrochemical and thermodynamic properties of some fission products (Tm and Yb), their mass transfer, and behavior in different fused solvents using transient electrochemical techniques, and potentiometric method (emf).

TrendRecent Trend in Electrochemical Science and Technology  

Chapter 1 «Electrochemistry of Curium in Molten Chlorides»

Alexander Osipenko, Alexander Mayershin, Valeri Smolenski, Alena Novoselova and Michael Kormilitsyn

IntechOpen, 2012

The electrochemical behaviour of CmCl3 in molten alkali metal chlorides has been investigated using inert (W) electrode at the temperatures range 723-1123 K. The obtained fundamental data can be subsequently used for feasibility assessment of the curium recovery processes in molten chlorides.

UraniumUranium: Safety, Resources, Separation, and Thermodynamic Calculation

Chapter 6 «Thermodynamics and Separation Factor of Uranium from Fission Products in “Liquid Metal-Molten Salt” System» 

Valeri Smolenski, Alena Novoselova, Alexander Bychkov, Vladimir Volkovich, Yana Luk’yanova and Alexander Osipenko

IntechOpen, 2018

The chapter contains the results of studying electrochemical and thermodynamic properties of La, Nd, and U in “liquid metal-molten salt” systems, where liquid metals were binary Ga-Al and Ga-In alloys of various compositions. The apparent standard potentials of ternary U-Ga-In, U-Ga-Al, La-Ga-In, La-Ga-Al, Nd-Ga-In, and Nd-Ga-Al alloys at various temperatures were determined, and the temperature dependencies were obtained. Primary thermodynamic properties (activity coefficients, partial excess Gibbs free energy change, partial enthalpy change of mixing, and excess entropy change) were calculated. The influence of the bimetallic alloy composition and the nature of lanthanide on thermodynamic properties of compounds are discussed. The values of U/Nd separation factors on gallium-aluminum and U/La on gallium-indium alloys were calculated. The value of the separation factors strongly depends on the alloy composition. Uranium in this case is accumulating in the metallic phase and lanthanides in the salt melt. Analysis of the data obtained showed the perspective use of the active cathodes (Ga-Al and Ga-In instead of single Cd) in future innovative methods for reprocessing spent nuclear fuels (SNF) and high-active nuclear wastes in the future of closed nuclear fuel cycle.

propertiesProperties and Application of Ultrathin Carbon and Silicon Films

Alexander Y. Galashev and Yuri P. Zaikov

Nova science publishers. New York, USA, 2018

This book is devoted to the computer modeling of two-dimensional materials consisting of no more than two sheets of graphene or silicene. The results of the investigation of the mechanical and thermal properties of such ultrathin films that are in a free-standing state and, also, located on substrates of silver, copper, and graphite are presented. The thermal stability of copper, nickel, and aluminum films of monatomic thickness on graphene has been studied. The calculated data on the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of single-layer graphene and silicene are presented. The excellent adsorption properties of graphene allow one to use it as a filter.

molecular dynamicsAn Introduction to Molecular Dynamics

Nova science publishers. New York, USA, 2019

Chapter 1 «Application of the Method of Statistical Geometry in Molecular Dynamic Calculations»

Alexander Galashev

The method of statistical geometry, based on the construction of a Voronoi polyhedral, is applied to the pattern recognition of atomic environments and to the investigation of the local order in molecular dynamics-simulated materials.

Chapter 4  «Non-Constant Force Field Molecular Dynamics»

Anton Raskovalov

In closing  the author discusses the methodology of molecular dynamics simulation with a non-constant force field. In the context of molecular simulations, the term “force field” refers to a set of equations and parameters for the calculation of forces acting on the particles of the system and its potential energy.

electrical conductivityAn Essential Guide to Electrical Conductivity and Resistivity 

Chapter 1 «Electrical Conductivity of Molten Mixtures of Lead Chloride and Lead Oxide Containing Potassium and Cesium Chlorides»

Pavel Arkhipov

Nova science publishers. New York, USA, 2019

The chapter presents experimental and theoretical data on the important structurally sensitive property of the molten oxide-chloride systems КCl (50 mol. %)–PbCl2 (50 mol. %), CsCl (18.3 mol. %)–PbCl2 (81.7 mol. %) and CsCl (71.3 mol. %)–PbCl2 (28.7 mol. %) with PbO concentration reaching 20 mol.% in the temperature range of 764 – 917 K.