The Shared Access Center “Composition of Compounds” provides analytical support for fundamental and applied research in the field of chemistry, metallurgy, and material science performed at IHTE UB RAS and other Institutes, universities and scientific organizations all over the Ural region.
The Shared Access Center “Composition of compounds” collaborates with other institutes of UB RAS (Institute of Solid State, Physics of Metals Institute , Institute of Electrophysics, Insititute of Metallurgy, Institute of Organic synthesis, Botanic garden, etc) as well as with the Ural Federal University named after the first president of Russia Yeltsin B.N., with the enterprises of Ural federal region (“Varnishes, paints, powders” OJSC; ” Ural Bentonits” NPP; “Mirel group” SJCS; “Granit Resurs” trade house LLC; “Ogneupory” bogdanovich OJSC; “Uraltekhimport” LLC, etc).