The federal state budgetary scientific institution The Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences has the license 90Л01№ 000017 registered number 0160 dated March 31, 2015 for educational activities in the following areas:
04.06.01 — Chemical sciences
02.00.04 – Physical chemistry
02.00.05 – Electrochemistry
18.06.01 — Chemical technologies
05.17.03 – Technology of electrochemical processes and corrosion protection
Federal state educational standards of higher education in the areas of academic training:
№ 869 (07/30/2014) Federal State Educational Standard 04.06.01 Chemical Sciences
№ 883 (07/30/2014) Federal State Educational Standard 18.06.01 Chemical technology
The educational language is Russian.
Nonresident postgraduate students are provided with a residence hall during the period of education.
Vacant positions:0