
In 2016, the following types of work were carried out on the equipment of the Center:

Name Number
1 Measurement of specific surface area 280
2 Measurement of the total specific pore volume 3
3 Measurement of the total adsorption-desorption isotherm 1
4 Scanning electron microscopy, including elemental analysis and sample preparation 848
5 Elemental analysis by X-ray fluorescence spectral analysis 188
6 X-ray phase analysis 2060
7 Granulometric analysis 387
8 Raman spectra 510
9 Elemental analysis by atomic-emission spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma 419
10 Determination of the gas phase composition 494
11 Thermogravimetric analysis 24

For the last five years the Shared Access Center’s employees have published the following:

  •  2 monographs (Ananyev M.V. “Oxygen isotope exchange”, Malkov A.V., Malkov V.B. ” Real structure of selenium thing crystals”);
  •  121 articles issued in Russian and foreign journals and conference proceedings (19 of them – in foreign journals);
  •  6 RF patents have been received:
    1. “Method of obtaining nanowhiskerized structures of copper oxide” №  2464224 dated 20.10.2012 ;
    2. “Method of obtaining nanocrystallized covers of tungsten oxide bronzes” № 2426822 dated 20.08.2011;
    3. “Solid electrolyte sensor for amperometric measurements of gas mixtures humidity” № 2483300 dated 27.05.2013;
    4. “Solid electrolyte based on hafnium oxide” № 2479076 dated 10.04.2013;
    5. “Method of controlling multi component oxides for formation and stabilization of solid solutions with fluorite type structure” № 2445607 dated 20.03.2012;
    6. “Diagnostic method  for  the effect of the vector misorientation sign changing along interblock boundaries in the nanothing crystals” № 2456229 dated 13.11.2010.
  •  3  authorship certifications for the software products in RUSPATENT:
    1. “Software product “ECRPro” № 2011514002 dated 24.05.2011;
    2. “Software product “IEPro” № 2011614003 dated 24.05.2011;
    3. “Software product “Tortousity 3D” № 2013660729 dated 18.11.2013.
  •  2 PhD dissertations have been defended:
    1. Ananyev M.V. “Isotope exchange and defective oxide structure”;
    2. Porotnikova N.M. “Oxygen isotope exchange and microstructure of materials based on lanthanum-strontium manganite and zirconium-ittrium electrolyte”.

The employees take active part in international projects of IHTE, in the programs of PRAS and DCSM, in the projects of UB RAS, RFBR, governmental contracts, regional programs, etc.

The average equipment exploitation period is not more than 7 years that allows performing scientific research according to the world standards.

For the last few years methods of studying and attestation of thing layers, nanodispersed materials, dispersed and pored ceramic materials as well as construction parts of complex electrochemical cells have been developed. Modern hi tech method for preparing metallographic sections of materials which allows obtaining microimages of  sample cross-sections with saving pored microstructure (for ex., for electrochemical cell, etc) has been created.

Advanced professional training for employees as well as participation in scientific- technical conferences and meetings are provided.