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About Scientific Council

The Scientific Council functions according to the authorized semi-annual programs. At the Scientific Council sessions the following subjects are taken into consideration: elections of director, deputy director; competitive job positions of researches and heads of departments; selection of the laboratories scientific directions; the Institute structure improvement; scientific reports, working plans of employees and reports on scientific activities of laboratories, summaries of the programs supported by the Presidium of RAS, the Department of Chemistry and Material Science (DCMS RAS), reports on the Ural and Siberian Branches of RAS joint programs, summaries of projects of UB RAS, Federal target programs; postgraduate students qualification and postgraduate studentship admission; accomplishing and concluding economic contracts with international companies and research centers; editorial plans of the Institute, conferences arranging. The Scientific Council nominates researchers for awards in different scientific competitions, scientific grants, and scholarships for post-graduates and young researches etc. The membership of the academic board was declared by the Presidium of UB RAS (resolution N 10-5 dated 15.12.2011.) There are 21 members.

Кодинцева 021-1Scientific Secretary:
 Kodintseva Anna Olegovna, PhD (Chemistry)

Phone: +7 (343) 362-31-32

 E-mail: akodin@ihte.uran.ru