Since the Institute foundation in 1958, the scientific seminars have been weekly held in the Laboratory of Electrochemistry of UB RAS USSR, as well as in many other academic laboratories of those times. The discussions were emphasized on the original research data developed, on methodology and ideology of high-temperature investigations declared by soviet and foreign scientists. These regular meetings afforded researchers not only to be informed of the latest scientific achievements but also to improve the directions of their proper investigation.
Beginning from 1958 the Institute was built of only two labs (The Laboratory of Molten Salts Electrochemistry and The Laboratory of Solid Electrolytes), later the Institute structure became branchy. Despite the lab seminars, all researchers gathered together every week to discuss original articles prepared for publication, PhD thesis, scientific reports regarding high-temperature physical chemistry and electrochemistry of molten and solid electrolytes. The debates with leading electrochemists from Moscow, Leningrad (present St. Petersburg), and Kiev became a tradition. The scientists all over the country appreciated the discussions with representatives of the unique academic organization specialized in the field of high-temperature electrochemistry of molten and solid oxide electrolytes, power sources, electrolytic processes. With time many foreign guests presented their lectures regarding the top questions of electrochemistry. The high scientific importance of the Scientific Assembly was confirmed by the names of outstanding chemists who took part in such discussions. Among them were Kolotyrkin Ya.M., Kazarinov V.E., Delimarskiy Yu.K., Gorodyskiy A.V., Volkov S.V., Prisyaghniy V.D., Morachevskiy A.G., Polyakov P.V., Ukshe E.A, Oye H.A., Ito Ya. and others.
From the very beginning Smirnov Mikhail Vladimirovich was the leader and inspirer of the Scientific Assembly. He always analyzed the scientific reports thoroughly which made the subject under discussion clearer and more valuable.
Presently the Scientific Assembly is held once a week, on Fridays at 14:00.
Nowadays, during the meetings researches discuss their scientific manuscripts before sending them for publishing; present their PhDs and DSc thesis and scientific reports given by representatives from other Institutes. These meetings provide researchers with a unique opportunity to review their works. Such a critical approach helps to solve different complicated problems, to correct their mistakes promptly and consequently to improve the quality of the work issued by the Institute. The Scientific Assemblyplays an important role for young scientists as well. The meetings deepen the knowledge of researchers and give an opportunity not only to focus on their own field of study but to get familiar with neighboring research projects.