New materials and technologies
- Nanosized powders of tantalum, niobium and other metals
- Refractory metals carbides
- Silicon nanofibres
- Metal wool
- Nanosized powders of metal oxides (aluminum, zirconium, titanium, tantalum, and lead)
- Nanocrystalline tungsten bronzes
- Oxide tungsten bronzes (OTB) nanocrystalline coatings
- Thermodiffusion aluminizing of metal parts
- Thermodiffusion zinc-plating
- Steel boriding
- Plasticizing coatings for metals and alloys
- Technology for producing refractory and rare metals coatings by molten salt electrolysis
- Integrated technology for processing lead wastes
- High-temperature galvanoplastics for refractory metals articles
- Nanoceramics based on zirconium and aluminum oxides
- Composite electrodes of solid oxide fuel cells with nanodispersed components
- High purity metallic lead production process
- New method of aluminum producing by electrolysis
- Softol processing technology
- Fuel element cladding embritting process
- Method for fuel cladding removal
- Palladin
- Modified electrolyte for aluminum production
- Ultra dispersed aluminum master alloys
- Nano-dispersed aluminum composites