Electrochemical devices based on solid oxide conductors

At IHTE the scientific fundamentals for the following electrochemical devices have been developed:

  •  Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC)

SOFC can be widely used as an independent power source for energy supply of cathode protection stations for oil- and gaslines, in military and space industry, for energy supply of buildings, farms, etc. SOFC can be operated on different kinds of natural, synthetic, and technogenic fuel.


The SOFC prototypes of experimental developments have been studied at IHTE. According to the collaboration agreement between IHTE and “Gazprom Transgaz Ekaterinburg” LLC the testing of experimental device ECG SOFC-100 created and produced at IHTE, by the order of “TVEL”OJSC, was organized and performed. While testing, the device placed in a metallic box was located outside the building; it was exposed to ambient temperature in conditions of cold climate (Ekaterinburg). During the testing 15 cycles of “start-stop” were carried out, the total operating time for the ECG-SOFC was 5000 hours, the generator efficiency with electrical power of 100 Wt was not less than 25 %, gas flow was not more than 0.04 Nm3/h.

The following conclusions were resumed as a result of the ECG- SOFC tests:

– The ECG- COFC, protected from direct atmospheric precipitations, demonstrated its efficiency in cold-temperature climate conditions;

–  While testing the ECG efficiency about 5% decreased. However, the accurate comparison of valuable ECG characteristics is difficult to carry out because of climate conditions wide range;

–  The “start-stop” cycles do not affect the ECG- SOFC degradation;

In order to improve durability, operating lifetime and technological effectiveness the further ECG- SOFC optimization is needed.

The obtained results provided the basis for creation and development of the independent power plant experimental installation within R&D “Development of power source based on solid oxide fuel cells with the capacity of 1.5 kWt for energy supply of gaslines objects” by the order of “Gazpromtransgaz Ekaterinburg”, and under technical and scientific support of IHTE UB RAS at “Electrochemical converters plant”, LLC, Novouralsk, and “UralIntekh”, CJSC.

Basic characteristics of ESG-SOFC-1500

– natural gas
– atm.air
Electrical efficiency, not less, % – 35
Nominal capacity (electrical), kWt – 1,5
 Nominal voltage, V: -direct current, -alternative current, 50 Hz – 24 – 220
Overall dimensions of power unit (HхDхW), mm – 1700 х 1300 х 1100
Mass, not more, kg – 170
Fuel consumption, Nm3/h – 0,40 ± 0,02











Prospective customers:

Developers of cathode protection for oil- and gas pipelines; enterprises working on independent electrogenerators of low and middle capacity; enterprises – developers of independent life support systems.


– High efficiency (overall up to 90% in the mode of cogeneration;

– Generation of high-grade heat;

– Modularity and simplicity of installation;

– Gas fuel universality;

– Minimal maintenance demand (1 time a year);

– Lack of forming-gas delivering during heating-up;

– Independent operating.

The installation is in high-demand in many sectors of national economy. It was demonstrated at the exhibition “The day of innovation of the RF Ministry of Defence” in Moscow 21, August 2013 and awarded for achievements in the field of development and implementation of innovative technologies by Schoigu S.K., the Minister of Defense.

  • Solid oxide electrolyzers for producing hydrogen and oxygen (SOE)

SOE extracts oxygen from human wastes (carbon dioxide and water vapors) that is the basis for creation of closed-circuit systems. SOE also allows obtaining highly pure hydrogen by the electrolitical decomposition of water vapor with significantly low expenses than that of low temperature electrolyzers.

  • Electrochemical converters for hydrogen producing (ECC)

ECC is intended for pure hydrogen producing by electrochemical conversion of combustion gas under the effect of water vapor. The energy sources for the process are gas mixtures containing H2 and CO, obtained by the conversion or gasification of nature or technogenic fuel.

  • Electrochemical oxygen pumps
Oxygen pump installation

Oxygen pumps are used for:

– extracting oxygen from air;

– obtaining oxygen-containing mixtures;

– gas purification from oxygen.

  • Electrochemical gas sensors

 Different types of gas sensors

Gas sensors based on solid oxide electrolytes are intended for

gas media analysis in the lab and technological practice,

and for ecology monitoring.

With the use of these devices the following measurements of content can be done:

– hydrogen in gas mixtures;

– oxygen in gas mixtures;

– in melts;

– carbon monoxide in air;

Газоанализатор кислорода

Oxygen gas analyzer

-combustion gas in air (for ex., methane in coal mine air);

-nitrogen and carbon oxides as well as hydrocarbons in combustion products, in air;

The fuel combustion optimizer, on the base of solid electrolyte sensor, which allows economizing up to 15% of fuel in small boiler-stations and TPP was developed at IHTE.

IHTE performs works directed on creation of sensors for highly explosive and harmful substances determination.