

Visit of the IHTE UB RAS to the Belorus state technological university

       IMGP5539During negotiations with the representatives of the Belorus state technological university (Minsk) in June 2015 the triple agreements of scientific cooperation between the IHTE UB RAS, Belorus state technological university, and Ural Federal University named after the first president of Russia B.N.          Yeltsin have been prepared for signing. The framework triple contract has been signed on the 7th July 2015. After that, The IHTE UB RAS delegation has visited Belarus Republic in October 2015.


          During this visit several meetings with the University management, representatives of the glass technology and ceramics department, biotechnologies and bioecology, chemistry, technology of electrochemical production and materials of electron technics have been held. The participants have agreed about full collaboration and implementation of joint projects within initiatives of Union State, an exchange of specialists during realization of international research and educational programs.