Investments in science

          SberBank has provided a non-renewable credit line for 6 monthperiodto IHTE UB RAS.The funds will be directed to the implementation of research projects carried out by order the State Corporation “Rosatom”, the press center of the Ural Bank of SberBank reports.         Alexander Dedyukhin, deputy director for …

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The path of youth in IHTE

Despite frequent complaints about the fact that graduates do not go into science there a lot of young people in some academic institutions, and they are talented, active and successful. For example, in the Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, most of laboratories is headed by researchers up to …

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Electrochemistry popularization

          The popular science magazine N + 1 in cooperation with IHTE UB RAS was published an article on how chemical reactions are used to generate electricity, what is the difference between the main types of modern chemical power sources and what prospects are opened up by electrochemical energy.     …

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We are on TV

          Once again, the development of our colleagues became the topic of the reportage. A few days ago the video about power installations based on solid oxide fuel cells for distributed power was published. The established more than a year ago, a joint laboratory of the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry …

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Universities as an Innovation Space

         Last Friday, on November 24, in the «University»Technopark of the Ural Federal University the conference “Universities as an Innovation Space” was held. It was organized by the UrFU named after B.N. Yeltsin and company VECTOR-K on the basis of the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian …

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FASO Head’s visit

       On November 17, the head of the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations Mikhail Kotyukov, visited the Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the framework of his working trip to Ekaterinburg.         During this visit, advanced scientific developments, laboratory investigations and …

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Laureates of the Governor’s Scholarship 2017

Recently, the names of the winners of the competition for the scholarship of the Sverdlovsk region Governor for students for the 2017/18 school year became known. Obligatory criteria for participation were the absence of academic debt and excellent marks after intermediate certification during the academic year preceding the appointment of the scholarship, as well as …

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Ural Scientific Forum

This year the 30th anniversary is celebrated by the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and 85 years is performed by the academic science of the Urals. The Ural Scientific Forum was held from 17 to 20 October at several venues in connection with these dates. Within the framework of the section “Actual …

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The new leader of the Institute

On September 1, Maxim V. Ananyevhas officially became the Director of the Institute.From all colleagues, we congratulate MaksimVasilyevich on taking up his new position and wish him a successful start, constant inspiration, unquenchable enthusiasm, great and bright prospects, constant and unchanging luck. Let the difficulties of the career path be easily overcome, and the work …

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In intellect-intensive format

         From 18 to 22 September the First international conference on intellect-intensive technologies in power engineering (physical chemistry and electrochemistry of molten and solid electrolytes) was held at the recreation center “Oriole”. Officially 257 people were registered at the conference, among them 150 full-time participants. About 70 scientists came from Ekaterinburg and …

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