

Investments in science

          SberBank has provided a non-renewable credit line for 6 monthperiodto IHTE UB RAS.The funds will be directed to the implementation of research projects carried out by order the State Corporation “Rosatom”, the press center of the Ural Bank of SberBank reports.

        Alexander Dedyukhin, deputy director for scientific work of the Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry explainedthe following. Nowadays IHTE is the only institution that specializes in the field of high temperature physical chemistry and electrochemistry of molten salts and solid state electrolytes. Most of the practical applications and projects are developed in cooperation with leading scientific and industrial production companies and research centers in Russia andabroad. One of the strategic partners of the Institute is SC “Rosatom”. The implementation of large research projects with a large number of co-executors requires the availability of significant working capital, which is not typical for a budget organization.That is why we used the loan to carry out this project.For the institute, this is a positive experience, and, probably, the practice of using borrowed funds will be used by us in the future.

Material from the site http://www.apiural.ru/news/economy/134502/