

In intellect-intensive format

         From 18 to 22 September the First international conference on intellect-intensive technologies in power engineering (physical chemistry and electrochemistry of molten and solid electrolytes) was held at the recreation center “Oriole”. Officially 257 people were registered at the conference, among them 150 full-time participants. About 70 scientists came from Ekaterinburg and about 80 delegates from various parts of our homeland and abroad: the Republic of Belarus, Israel, South Korea, Italy, the Netherlands, Greece and India.IMG_6867

        Within the framework of the conference, 3 plenary sessions were held, at which 13 reports were heard on the most relevant topics of the conference.In addition, 55 key reports, 24 oral presentations, 30 youth reports and about 130 poster presentations were presented at the sections.Roundtables were held in the following areas: testing of nuclear fuel, the study of proton-conducting materials, and the study of electrode processes in electrochemical systems with solid electrolytes.It was held a two-day School for young scientists, which included a course of lectures and the contestof presentations.Young specialists attended 9 lectures on physical and chemical methods of research (Raman spectroscopy, resonance spectroscopy, neutron diffraction); lectures on the improvement of academic writing and communication skills in English; lectures on scientometric analysis in scientific activity and on numerical modeling in electrochemical systems.Within the framework of the Young ScientistContest, 30 oral reports on 3 directions were heardwhere,as result,the winners in each of the areas were revealed and awarded. In addition, about 20 poster presentations were made, where one winner was determined as well.


       The cultural program was intense and interesting for all participants. So, in an informal atmosphere, during the week there were an evening of grilled meat (barbeque party), billiard and bowling evening, off-site day excursions around Ekaterinburg and to the Sysert porcelain factory were arranged for the guests of the conference.

IMG_7870          According to the results of the conference selected reports will be published in special issues of journals “Melts”, “Electrochemistry” and “Alternative Energy and Ecology”.Now a collection of reports is available for downloading (download).

       In conclusion, it should be noted that the conference was very successful! The coverage of scientific fields in which the conference participants presented reports is broad and deep.

         The Organizing Committee would like to thank all participants and sponsors for their financial support.

          The photo report is presented below:

Full report.