Offsite meeting “Application of innovative corrosion protective systems in severe exploitation conditions of the Linear Section of Main Gasline objects of “Gazprom Transgaz Ekaterinburg LLC” at IHTE UB RAS

     The offsite meeting of the corrosion protection experts from Gazprom group and the anti-corrosive protection equipment manufacturers have been held in Ekaterinburg from 26th till 28th of November 2013. 50 delegates from such big companies as “Gazprom”, “Gazprom Transgaz Ekaterinburg”, “TVEL” Rusatom fuel company, “Plant of electrochemical converters”, IHTE UB RAS, “UralIntekh”, “PARSEK”, …

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XVI Russian conference on physical chemistry and electrochemistry of molten and solid electrolytes

       The XVI Russian conference on physical chemistry and electrochemistry of molten and solid electrolytes (including international participation) has been held in Ekaterinburg at “Selen” camp, 16-20 September 2013.         217 delegates from scientific organizations, universities and enterprises from 16 regions of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Israel participated in the …

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Participation in the XVI exhibition “Metalworking. Tools”

    From 26th to 28th of November 2013 the Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry participated in the XVI specialized exhibition “Metalworking. Tools” organized within the project “Ural industrial week”. The event was arranged by the Exhibition Society “Ural Exhibitions” under the patronage of the Russian Chamber of Commercy and Industry and with the official support …

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The first degree diploma and Golden medal of St.Petersburg Technical Fair

       The St. Petersburg Technical Fair (PTF), a major exhibitional-congress event of the state level at which the whole technological production chain was presented –  from scientific developments and  metal manufacturing to machine-building complex products, took place in St.Petersburg at VK Lenexpo from 12 till 14 of March 2014.         The competition …

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Chemistry of the XXI century

Young Scientists School Ekaterinburg 21-24 May 2014 Dear colleagues! We invite you to participate in the Young Scientists School  “Chemistry of the XXI century”.The topics of lectures touch the questions of inorganic and organic chemistry, solid state chemistry, electrochemistry, metallurgy and technical chemistry, including modern synthesis methods, material research and perspectives of its usage in XXI century. The school …

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