

The first degree diploma and Golden medal of St.Petersburg Technical Fair

       The St. Petersburg Technical Fair (PTF), a major exhibitional-congress event of the state level at which the whole technological production chain was presented –  from scientific developments and  metal manufacturing to machine-building complex products, took place in St.Petersburg at VK Lenexpo from 12 till 14 of March 2014.pershin_slider

        The competition “Best innovative project and best scientific- technical development of the year” was held at the exhibition to stimulate the enterprises activity in the field of innovative technologies.

          The Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry presented recently developed technology “Method of obtaining lead in the molten salts by thin-layer electrolysis with the use of pored ceramic diaphragm” and was awarded with the first degree diploma and golden medal in the nomination “Best innovative project in the field of ecology, efficient nature management, and recycling”.