

XVI Russian conference on physical chemistry and electrochemistry of molten and solid electrolytes

       The XVI Russian conference on physical chemistry and electrochemistry of molten and solid electrolytes (including international participation) has been held in Ekaterinburg at “Selen” camp, 16-20 September 2013.slide3

        217 delegates from scientific organizations, universities and enterprises from 16 regions of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Israel participated in the conference. 4 plenary meetings were performed at which 87 oral reports and 13 review reports regarding important questions of contemporary physical synthesis of novel multifunctional materials, catalytic conversions for different types of organic fuel, ionic transport in solid electrolytes and complex formation in molten salts were presented.

        Next XVII Russian conference on physical chemistry and electrochemistry of molten and solid electrolytes will take place in 2016.

       The organizing committee of the conference thanks for financial support the Russian Fond of Fundamental Research (project № 13-03-06045-г), Ural Mining and Smelting Company (UGMK), and OJSC “Uralelektromed”.