

Mendeleev Congress results


  The Anniversary XX Mendeleev Congress was held in Ekaterinburg on 26-30 September and scientists from the Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences took an active part in its work.

         One of the main research directions of IHTE corresponded to the 5th section theme of the Congress – “The chemical aspects of alternative power”. This topic was also sounded at the plenary session of the Congress in the joint report of Academician Mikhail V. Alfimov and Corresponding Member Vladimir F. Razumov (Center of Photochemistry of RAS, Institute of Physical Chemistry of RAS).

        Also the latest achievements of the Institute were presented at the exhibition in the international exhibition center “EXPO-Ekaterinburg”, where the congress was held.

       Co-chairman of the alternative power section Academician Aslan Yu. Tsivadze, president of the Russian Chemical Society named after Dmitri I. Mendeleev, pointed out that studies in this field initiate the formation of interdisciplinary links, new developments in the field of materials science, create preconditions for the revival of small-tonnage chemistry, and ultimately promote the evolution from raw material to innovative economy.img_2486

           The outcomes of the 5th section were summarized by its second co-chairman, the scientific advisor of IHTE Professor Yuri P. Zaykov DSc (Chemistry):

        During our section meetings 4 key lectures, 8 guests and 41 oral reports, as well as 56 posters were presented. Among the participants were researchers from the Netherlands, China, Romania, France and Russian scientists from Ekaterinburg, Moscow, Chernogolovka, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Saratov, Nizhnekamsk, Izhevsk, Dubna, Vladivostok delegated by 18 institutes of RAS, 9 universities and two industrial companies.

         The following topics were covered by reports: research and development of cation-conducting materials for chemical power sources, oxygen-ion and proton oxide electrolytes, electrode materials for solid electrolyte fuel cells, materials for storage and transportation of hydrogen and methane.

      Physicochemical fundamentals of spent nuclear fuel recycling, technologies of carbon-containing fuel treatment, development of photo-chemical power sources, bio-electrochemical technologies as well as fundamental issues of mass and electric transfer, defect formation for systems with oxygen-ion and proton conducting solid oxide materials were discussed during the conference section. The head of Laboratory of Solid State Oxide Fuel Cells IHTE, PhD (Chemistry) Maxim V. Ananiev was an executive secretary of the section.

           I would like to note the reports of Corresponding members of RAS Eugene V. Antipov (the MSU) and Andrei B. Jaroslavtsev (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of RAS, Moscow), DSc (Chemistry) Tatiana L. Kulova (Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry named after Alexander N. Frumkin, RAS), DSc (Chemistry)  Ivan A. Kazarinov (National Research Saratov State University named after Nikolai G. Chernyshevsky), PhD (Chemistry) Anatoly K. Demin and Vladislav I. Tsidil’kovskii (IHTE UB RAS).

           Scientists from IHTE took part in the work of other Congress sections. Leading researcher of the Institute DSc (Chemistry) Olga Yu. Tkacheva was an executive secretary of the section “Actual issues the chemical industry, the assessment of technical risks”.


Photo: T. Plotnikova

       However, the effect of grandiose scientific forum, which took place in Ekaterinburg, was not limited by the significance and thoroughness of plenary and sectional meetings.

    Communication between the Congress participants was also very efficient and fruitful. Academician Valentin N. Parmon, the scientific leader of Catalysis Institute named after Georgy K. Boreskov, SB RAS, gave a friendly visit to our Institute. Such personal meetings are very promising for  future and innovative collaboration.