

Wind of change

     On the last day of June, before the summer break, the meeting of the updated AcademicCouncil of the Institute was held. Reelection of its members was caused by several reasons. In the first place Alexander E. Dedyukhin, appointed as Director pro-tempore by the order of FASO Russia on May 24, became an Acting Director of IHTE instead of a new scientific advisor of the INTE UB RASYuri P. Zaykov. In the second place, young respected researchers, who previously were not a part of the Academic Council, headed some laboratories.

    The elections were conducted in accordance with the IHTE UB RAS Charter at the meeting of researchers of the Institute.Candidates to the new Academic Council members were promoted by the results of preliminary meetings in the scientific divisions.Extracts from the minutes were given to the academic secretary topreparethe bulletinsfor secret voting. At the meeting of researchers, the Academic Council members were determined, all in all 21 researchers were elected.It is encouraging thatamong the leading figures of the Institute a lot of promising young scientists, who are already ready to be involved in the scientific and organizational issuesin addition to active scientific work, came in sight.

    At the first session of the updated AcademicCouncilits chairman, the scientific advisorof the Institute, Professor Yuri P.Zaykov DSc (Chemistry), was unanimously elected.The new structure of the IHTE Academic Council was approved by the Decision of Presidium of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciencesdated 8 September 2016.

We wish to the modern Academic Council innovative decisions and great achievements!