

Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation with the RF President Council on Grants declares competitions for 2016

Dear colleagues!

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation together with the Russian Federation President Council on Grants for governmental support for young Russian scientists and leading RF scientific schools declare competitions for 2016 to win RF President grants for state support of young Russian Scientists – PhD (competition MK-2017) and DSc (competition МД-2017).

The grants of RF President for governmental support of young scientists PhD and DSc are given in accordance with the decree of Russian Federation Government dated 27th of April 2005 № 260 “On the governmental support of young Russian Scientists – PhD and DSc and leading RF scientific schools”.

The competitions:

  • CompetitionМК-2017 – for governmental support of the scientific research carried out by young Russian Scientists – PhD, which age is below 35 at the project termination. The works, which develop PhD thesis topics, demonstrate a noticeable impact on development of science and technology and prepare future DSc thesis, may be presented.
  • CompetitionМД-2017–for governmental support of the scientific research carried out by young Russian Scientists –DSc, which age is below 40 at the project termination.The works, which develop DSc thesis topics, may be presented.

Each competitor may present the work only is a form of a single application.

The Following applicants are not allowed to take part in the competition:

– winners of 2016 RFP resident grants for governmental support of young scientists PhD (competition МК-2017) and DSc (competition МД-2017);
–  winners of RF President grant for young scientists and PhD students, who carry out perspective scientific studied and developments in priority directions of Russian economy modernization for 2016 – 2018 years.

The grants are given for two years as a financial support to conduct fundamental and applied scientific research in prioritydirectionsofscience, technologyandengineeringofRussianFederationin the following fields:

(01) Mathematics and mechanics;
(02) Physics and astronomy;
(03)Chemistry, new materials and chemical technology;
(04) Biology, agricultural science and living systems technologies;
(05) Science on Earth, ecology and ecological management;
(06) Social and humanitarian sciences;
(07) Medicine;
(08) Technical and engineering sciences;
(09) Information-telecommunication systems and technologies:
(10) Military and special technologies.

The size of the young scientist grant PhD is 600.000 rubles a year, including his salary and the salary of the coworkers. At least one young scientist or one PhD student or one student should be included as a coworker. The salary of PhD researcher and coworkers cannot exceed 360.000 rubles a year.

The size of the young scientist grant DSc is 1.000.000 rubles a year, including his salary and the salary of the coworkers. At leastthree young scientist including PhD studentsand students should be included as a coworkers.The salary of PhD researcher and coworkers cannot exceed 600.000 rubles a year.

The financial support of young scientist is provided as a surplus to the salary set by the organization, in which the researcher is working.

The application to the competition and annexes are presented in electronic form at grants.extech.ru.

Press the button «ЗавершитьработусЗаявкой», the deadline is 4 p.m. Moscow time 30th of September 2016.