

Competition for Golden Medal of Russian Academy of Sciences for outstanding achievements in the field of scientific knowledge propaganda “Scientific achievements of Russia”

The competition for Golden Medal of Russian Academy of Sciences for outstanding achievements in the field of scientific knowledge propaganda “Scientific achievements of Russia” continues.

In 2017 year on the day of Russian Science an official ceremony of presentation of the RAS Golden Medal for outstanding achievements in the field of scientific knowledge propaganda will organized.

This award in established by the Academy of Sciences to recognize researchers for their impact on the popularization of knowledge, Russian achievements and developments, promotion of scientific authority of the organization and the country.

The golden medal is given by the RAS presidium on the basis of the competition results ones in five years. The first scientist awarded was a famous Russian and Soviet physicist Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa for a series of scientific-educational programs “Believe it or not” and a cycle of publications on the problems of interaction between science and society.

The works are accepted until the 30th of October 2016.

The workers of scientific organizations and high educational organizations, which perform scientific studies, regardless of department participation may apply for the competition.

The following works are accepted:

–results of scientific studies, which affected fundamental science development;

– works devoted to major results, which application became the basis for development of a new technique and progressive technology, which provide innovation development of economy and social sphere, development of import-substituting technology, strengthening the defense capability of the country.

The competition of works for RAS golden medal for outstanding achievements in the field of scientific knowledge propaganda “Scientific developments of Russia” is performed in nominations, which correspond to the priority directions of science, technology and technique developments of the Russian Federation, confirmed by the decree of RF President:

Safetyand counterterrorism policy

Nanosystem industry (within this nomination the works in the following fields are accepted: creation and processing of constructional and functional nanomaterials; recognition technologies of nanodevices and nanomaterials; nanodevices technologies; nano-, bio, information, cognitive technologies; nanotechnologies, nanomaterials and nanodevices computer simulation)

Information-telecommunication systems (within this nomination the works in the following fields are accepted:nano-, bio, information, cognitive technologies; information and control systems technologies; navigation system technologies; multimedia access technologies; highly productive computing system software and etc.)

Science about life (within this nomination the works in the following fields are accepted: biomedical, biosynthetic, biosensor, biocatalytic, medical veterinary technologies; bioengineering technologies; nano-, bio, information, cognitive technologies; cell, genom, proteome and postgenom technologies and etc.)

Perspective types of armament, military and specialty technique

Environmental management (within this nomination the works in the following fields are accepted: conditions of the environment; prevention and liquidation of its pollution; prevention and liquidation of man-caused and natural emergencies; recognition and development ofdeposits of useful minerals and their excavation and etc.)

Robotic systems of military, specialty and double usage (within this nomination the works in the following fields are accepted: robotic systems production and etc.)

Transport and space systems (within this nomination the works in the following fields are accepted: creation of rocket-space technique, creation of new generation transport technique, creation of high velocity transport vehicles and intellectual systems of control of new types of transport and etc.)

Energy efficiency, power saving, nuclear power(within this nomination the works in the following fields are accepted: energy efficient production; energy transformation on organic fuel; new and renewable power sources including hydrogen energy; technologies of creation of electron component basis; energy efficient light devices; power saving transport systems; distribution and usage of energy; nuclear energy; technologies of nuclear fuel cycle; safe processing of nuclear wastes and spent nuclear fuel and etc.)

The expert commission on the Golden medal for the outstanding achievements in the field of scientific knowledge propaganda and RAS grant for the best works on the science popularization established a special nomination “Humanitarian and social sciences” (within this nomination the works in the following fields are accepted: history, language sciences; art and culture; philosophy; sociology and demographics; psychology; pedagogics; juridical sciences; economy and economy geographic; political science and international relationships).

All works submitted will be assessed by the expert commission made up of prominent scientist – academicians, corresponding members and professors of RAS, using the expert corpus of the academy.

The competition conditions are available at http://medal.ras.ru. The applications are accepted at csp@presidium.ras.ru.

The winners will be known on the 20th of January 2017.