

A delegation of the representatives of the Ural Branch of RAS gave a business visit to China

фото 0 (2)        A delegation of the representatives of the Ural Branch of RAS gave a business visit to China. Within the framework of the scientific-technological cooperation “One belt – one road” Russian researchers were invited by the Guandong unity of cooperation with the CIS countries to visit a number of research and development organization, techno parks and industrial plants in the  Jiangsu and Guangdong provinces. To strengthen business relationships and exchange of experience the representatives of the highly developed territories and Chinese techno parks suggested cooperation within the frameworks of perspective scientific-technological projects. During the meeting deputy director of the Institute AlexandrDedukhin presented to the potential partners the information on the research and development topics of the Institute and possible future mutual research areas. It should be noted that nowadays a significant attention is paid to the mutually beneficial cooperation between the countries in the scientific-technological field by the Governments of Russian Federation and China. That is why many mutual competitions to conduct scientific researches, exhibitions of the achievements and other international events are organized. During tфото3 (2)he business visit a number of agreements on the interaction between IHTE UB RAS and Chinese organizations in realization of mutual research in the fields of development of new functional materials and electrochemical energy devices were reached.