

Innovative breakthrough stages

1     March 30-31 at the Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the seminar “Pyrochemical technologies for recyclingof spent nuclear fuel for fast neutron reactors. Structural resistance and electrode materials in technological environments” was carried out. Such seminars are regularly heldin IHTE. The present meeting was attended by staff of the academic institutions and specialists of profile organizations from different Russian regions, such as Innovative and technological center of the project “Breakthrough” (Moscow), Physico-Technological Institute of the Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg), Institute of Physics of Metals named after M.N. Mikheev UB RAS(Ekaterinburg), Institute of Reactor Metals (Zarechny), Research and Production Company “Sosny”(Dimitrovgrad), Siberian Chemical Combine (Seversk), Leading Research Institute of Rosatom State Corporation for Chemical Technologies (Moscow).imgonline-com-ua-2to1-UYu5Jcy1zc46

       The seminar was opened by the chief technologist of the project “Breakthrough” Yu.S. Mochalov. Participants of the meeting have discussed the progress of the project and the prospects for further work.The subjects of the presented reports included the results of experimental studies on the pyrochemical technologyproviding, as well as the durability of constructional and electrode materials in technological environment. Thus, N.A. Kazakovtseva (IHTE UB RAS) reported about nickel-containing construction material corrosion in the media of molten chloride melts with additions of cerium and neodymium ions. Representatives of enterprises of JSC “IRM” and RPC “Sosny” shared the experience of using structural materials and gave some recommendations for the development of technologies and equipment for pyrochemical recycling of spent nuclear fuel.5

           The workshop was concluded by the designation of the pyrochemical-technological research tasks for this year and suggestions for the experimental base development.