

“The demand for energy carriers will only increase over the years”

Energy of future is interesting worldwide. The fastest and most effective results are achieved where the efforts of scientists, industrialists and the government are united in a single project. The Institute High-Temperature Electrochemistry (IHTE) UB RAS even in 80-90 years of the twentieth century has been a world leading company in the field of solid oxide fuel cells. During the difficult era for the national science institute was able to keep the scientific potential and build the instrument base. The Scientific Director of IHTE UB RAS Professor Yuri P. Zaykov DSc (Chemistry) told reporters of Federal Press about how the Institute wins grants and scholarships, why electrochemists need the Center of excellence and why here are the youngest Doctors of Science. dsc06392

Yuri Pavlovich, the work on the energy of future, the creation of alternative sources of energy – whether it is such an important, significant problem, which researchers should deal with? Willpetroleum end soon?


Energetics was, is and will remain.And over time the demand for energy carriers will increase. Fifty years ago, people assumed that petroleum will suffice for 30-40 years.Now is said that it will be enough for 100 years, and coal – even for 1000 years. For now humanity does not facing a deficit of non-renewable energy sources.Nevertheless, scientists are studying to work with renewable energy sources and to create them.

What for? What are its advantages?


They are environmentally friendly and highly effective. Such cost effective energy consumption and environmental technology – provide prospects of our devices. The joined UrFU and IHTE Laboratory of High Temperature Devices for Distributional Electrochemical Energeticsunder supervising of Professor Panagiotis Tsiakarasfrom Greece is involved in the development and testing of them. The laboratory was established in the framework of the pilot project of interaction between the Academic Institutions and the Federal University.This is an example of effective collaboration of scientific forces in the work on important projects.

Fuel cells of the future are under exploration not only in your Institute. What are the Russian achievements in comparison with European in this area?


We are about the same level.They also are testing the technology, but there is no wide practice for now. Funding sources are the same as ours: the State, foundations, sponsors, industrial enterprises, however the bulk ofexpenses in Europeis covered by the State and the level of funding is ten times higher than ours. What I would like to note in the European experience it is well-established cooperation in work on a large project. Some produce the ceramic, other produce electrode materials,while manufacturing companies may be located all over the world – in Austria, Australia, Switzerland or Germany.They cooperate, receive good financing of the project and solve the task.This practice would be very useful in Russia.And this movement is gradually begins. We started to talk more often about project financing, project management, for example, I recently heard such thesesat Vuzpromekspo in the speeches of A.V. Dvorkovich, the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Government andO.V. Vasilyeva,the Minister of Science and Education. Perhaps the years 2017-2018 will be a time of full-scale implementation of the project financing.Then science will be easier to solve the largest challenges.

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