

Mikhail M. Kotyukov inspected the joint laboratories of FASO Russia, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Ural Federal University

img_4039      The head of the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations, Mikhail M. Kotyukov, arrived in Ekaterinburg on a business trip on September 27 2016. He visited laboratories created by FASO Russia in collaboration with UB RAS and UrFU in the middle of the summer.

      During the visit in IHTE UB RAS Director pro-tempore and scientific advisor of Institute demonstrated to Mikhail M. Kotyukov the investigations conducted in the joint Laboratory of High Temperature Devices for Distributional Electrochemical Energetics andinvestigation equipment and presented him to the researcher teams.

   Cooperated efforts of the academic institutions and federal university are focusedon the development of breakthrough initiatives for solution of the Russian Federation government tasks. Leading foreign scientists were invited for research work in laboratories and among them is Professor PanagiotisTsiakaras, the supervisor of the Laboratory of Electrochemical Devices Based on Solid Oxide Proton Electrolytes created in the IHTE UB RAS within the framework of the Megagrant of Russian Federation in 2014 for government support of researches. Professor Tsiakaras is also the scientific supervisor of Laboratory of High-Temperature Devices for Distributive Electrochemical Power Engineering in UrFU.

      The head of the FASO Russia,Mikhail M. Kotyukov, examined the created laboratory and noted the advanced position of the Institute in the field of basic and applied scientific research for needs of electrochemical power engineering.
