

Doomed to be partners

 1    A meeting was held at the Institute of high Temperature Electrochemistry on the 8th of July 2016. Representatives and Engineering Director Victor Mannof the RUSAL Company and leading specialists of IHTE, who take part at the development of new technologies, which are going to be implemented on the basis of the RUSAL Company took part at the meeting. Scientific leader of IHTE DSc(Chemistry) YuryZaykov stated that Ural Academic Institute and the largest aluminium production company RUSAL are doomed to be partners. IHTE is the only Russian scientific establishment, which specializes in the field of molten salts electrolysis that is the basis of the aluminium production technology. Ural electrochemists can completely answer all requirements of RUSAL in the field of innovation research and development as well as can provide scientific support during the implementation of the developed technologies.

      IHTE specialists demonstrated the test bench of electrolytic cell for new ecologically friendly aluminium alloys production technologies; it has been operating for 6 months.


      The first contracts between RUSAL and IHTE were signed in 2003-2004. Today within the framework of Federal Target Program “Research and development of priority directions of scientific-technological complex of Russia during 2014-2020” IHTE is working on two projects, in which Scientific Production Centre Magnetic dynamics and “RUSAL Krasnoyarsk” are our partners. The first project is devoted to the development of technologies on new aluminium alloys production (Agreement № 14.607.21.0042). The second one is aimed optimization of the Soderberg cellanodic current-supplying pins alitizing (Agreement № 14.607.21.0035). IHTE scientists propose using the liquid phase method with fluoride flux, which increases the deposition rate and improves the coating quality. The test bench is made and produced using the travelling crane at “RUSAL Krasnoyarsk”.

    One more field of collaboration between IHTE and RUSAL is the development of low temperature technology of aluminium production using inert anodes. This is a true revolution, which may have great economic and ecological effect.


     The future mutual plans were on the agenda of the meeting .ZakovYury noted that the collaboration with the industrial partners within Federal Target Programs is perspective for the academic institute as it allows raising extrabudgetary resources. It is a double pleasure to work together with RUSAL Company as the target of this company is to implement Russian scientific research.

         To read a complete text of the paper please follow the link.