

Victory in the grant application competition on implementation of projects on organization of high-quality production

Yq1dykRNzLs        Independent sources of electric energy are of great interest and necessity due to the increasing rate of construction of large gas pipelines to transport gas to the countries of Europe and Asia, development of the communication infrastructure, creation of special economic assets in remote regions, growth of cities infrastructure and appearance of a large number of cottage settlements and farms. The present power facilities of low capacity (kilowatt type) have a very low  effectiveness factor, huge size and weight, they are noisy and require frequent service. The project “Development and creation of high-quality production of independent current sources of wide application on the base of Russian highly effective solid oxide fuel cells” suggests using SOFC power sets of hundreds of watts to tens of kilowatts capacity. These sets have a significantly higher efficiency, they are noiseless and do not require constant service (once in a year). They may be used as independent power sources to protect pipelines from corrosion, as means of distribution energetics for energy and heat supply of industrial, economical and domestic objects in remote regions. These sets may be widely used in supply of the RF military-industrial complex.

     Researchers and producers of SOFC power facilities are aimed to decrease the production cost and to produce commercially relevant and rival product. These problems will be solved by creation of a low cost technology of new generation SOFC tubes production made of Russian raw materials and using Russian equipment.

      The project completely fulfills all modern tendencies of import substitution, forming of a scientific and technological forward looking reserve in the field of new generation power facilities development and high-quality production of energy effective power sets on their basis.

We congratulate the winners of the competition!