

Novel technology will be implemented for the production of rocket engines

This year, the enterprise of the rocket and space industry launched a section for the production of manufactures using the method of high temperature galvanoplastics. This is an electrochemical process of coating a workpiece with a metal layer that can be operated at high temperatures and reproducing its shape. Ural scientists suggested using it in propulsion systems to increase the wear resistance of equipment.

As  it was claimed by  Andrey Isakov, the head of the  Laboratory of Electrocrystallization and High Temperature Galvanoplastics of the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,  now work is on the way to create combustion chambers for engines of satellite systems. Due to the applied technology, they will become part of a promising project – reusable liquid rocket engines, competing in the world market.


Interestingly, jewelry is also made using galvanoplastics. Therefore, the method of such processing of products will give an opportunity for the space technology developers to use precious metals, which are much more durable. Valentin Kashirtsev,  the head of the Department of Metals and Metallurgical Technologies of the enterprise, notes that such engine components have no analogues in the country.

Among the projects of the Ural interregional scientific and educational center of the world level is the creation of a returnable launch vehicle. Specialists of the center of rocket and space technology of the South Ural State University and academicians are engaged in it. By the way, fundamental research in this area is carried out by the participants of the youth laboratory at the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Published:  https://rg.ru/2021/02/04/reg-urfo/na-proizvodstve-raketnyh-dvigatelej-vnedriat-uralskuiu-tehnologiiu.html