

IHTE is a participant of SEC

БезымянныйOn the 10th of July 2019 leaders of Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions signed an agreement on creation of Ural Interregional Scientific-Educational Center (SEC) of the world level.

SEC will unite the potentials of educational and scientific organizations and real economy sectors of three regions. It will be oriented on the organization of scientific and applied research in the priority fields, on the creation of competitive technologies, products and on their further commercialization, as well as on training of specialists able to solve scientific-technological tasks. Before the agreement was signed a panel discussion between the representatives of the Institutes of Ural Branch of RAS, government meБезымянный1mbers and leaders of industrial enterprises of three regions took place within the events of the “Innoprom” exhibition. The general concepts of SEC, priority research and development and education areas, key projects, that will allow SEC to become a part of national global scientific event, were discussed.

Ural Branch of RAS will become an active participant of SEC and will coordinate the implementation of the Center program by academic institutes. During the “Innoprom” exhibition four institutes of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, including the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry, principals of five leading Ural universities and chief executives of largest regional companies signed the cooperation agreement within the framework of the SEC.