

Synergistic effect

Photo 1 (2)It is not a surprise that Dr. Artur Majewski, a research fellow at the School of Chemical Engineering at the University of Birmingham, is carrying out a research at the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry UB RAS within the framework of mutual projects on creation of electrochemical generators on the basis of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). Ural researchers are world leaders in this field. It is interesting that British scientist was mainly interested by the equipment used by Ural researchers, because usually technical infrastructure of Russian academic Institutes is not as developed as in many foreign institutes. The experimental set for the study of the oxygen isotope exchange, which was assembled by the SOFC laboratory fellows from separate construction materials, is unique. There is not anything of the kind not only in the University of Birmingham, but in the world. This set is used to study the interaction mechanisms of functional oxide materials with a gas phase.

Creation of protective coatings for interconnectors ofPhoto 2 (2) SOFC cells is the subject of the first project, which is financially supported by RFFBR and the Royal Society. Maksim Ananyev, director of IHTE UB RAS, stated that at the first site this highly specific problem is of great interest. Interconnectors are subjected to high temperatures and corrosion that is why they break down rapidly and volatile components of the interconnectors intoxicate the electrodes. These faults prevent successful implementation of the electrochemical generators. The second project is financially supported by the British consulate and it is aimed at the creation of new materials for air SOFC electrodes. Dr. Majewski studied the samples obtained in Great Britain on the unique set by the oxygen isotope exchange method.

Scientific cooperation between IHTE and the University of Birmingham was originated by professor Robert Steinberg-Wilkins of the University of Birmingham that started from the mutual projects in 2007 and 2012-2013. There are mutual publications. In August British scientist is coming to Ekaterinburg to take part in the planned seminar on proton-ceramic fuel cells. Maxim Ananyev assures that Ural-British cooperation will be a synergistic effect.