

Affairs of young men


On March 18, the annual meeting of young scientists of the Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry of UB RAS was held. More than 40 people took part in it. The agenda included meeting new employees, a report on the activities of the Council of Young Scientists, and a meeting of young scientists with  director of IHTE UB RAS, Maxim Vasilyevich Ananyev, who is  a young scientist himself. He gave a speech about new directions of the institute’s activity and about the role of youth in it.
The Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists  Pavel Pershin presented a brief report on the activities of the CYS over the past year. Council members and other young employees of  IHTE took an active part in organizing and holding a competition of young scientists of the institute, a gala evening dedicated to the 60th anniversary of IHTE, the Chemist Day, sports tournaments and civil defense and emergency exercises. They read popular science lectures, participated in the jury of the Sverdlovsk chemical tournament, were experts in the program “UMNIK.”


Alexander Dedyukhin, Deputy Director for Science, spoke about existing housing programs – this topic caused the great activity of the meeting participants. There was also talk about the improvement of the internal territory of the institute, the possibility of providing Wi-Fi in the administrative building, the conditions for the nomination of a candidate for the post of senior researcher, etc.
In conclusion, Pavel Pershin appealed to young people to  participate in the extra-scientific activities of the institute, take part in various competitions and popularize science.
The upcoming event of CYS is a competition of young scientists of the Institute of High Energies of  UB RAS, in which can take part not only employees of the institute up to 35 years old, but also graduate students. Information about the date and requirements for materials will be provided soon.
The Council of Young Scientists conducts informational newsletters. If you do not receive letters from them, but would like to, inform us at smu.ihte@mail.ru.