

Issues of the pyrochemical processing for the spent nuclear fuel

A scientific workshop “Development of technologies and equipment for the pyrochemical processing of the SNF on fast neutron reactors” took place at the Institute of High temperature electrochemistry of the UB RAS and the Ural Federal University named after the First president of Russia BN. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, on February 13-15.


More than 100 delegates from different research organizations, higher educational institutions and enterprises of the state corporation Rosatom, that is AO TVEL, AO Nauka i Innovatsii, AO Proryv,  AO SHK, AO GNC NIIAR , FGUP RFYC-VNIITF named after the Academician E.I. Zababakhin” , AO IRM , AO VNIIKHT , as well as AO Radium institute named after V.G. Khlopin, OOO NPF Sosny, ZAO SPEX, RHTU named after D.I. Mendeleev, AO Diakont, CNII RTK, Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov, FBU NTC YRB, OOO GTK Sintez, AO Uralskie innovatsionnie technologii, AO ElectrochemGeneration.IMG_4549 

The workshop participants discussed the results of the experimental testing of pyrochemical processes and equipment in order to substantiate the use of pyrochemical technology for the processing of  the SNF on fast neutron reactors in the processing module of the pilot demonstration energy complex (ODEC) and in the industrial energy complex.


The technological infrastructure of the Ural Federal University, in particular, the Physics and technology Institute, and the IHTE UB RAS was demonstrated. The experimental equipment, technological control systems, and analytical support of research created within the framework of the Breakthrough project direction were presented at the IHTE.

32 reports related to important issues of the pyrochemical technology for the processing of the SNF on fast neutron reactors were heard at the workshop. A special meeting, which was attended by V.A. Pershukov, the special representative on international and scientific-technical projects of the State corporation Rosatom, Yu.S. Mochalov, the Chief technologist of th AO Proryv,  L.P. Sukhanov, the Deputy director – Head of the CO OP Development of basic technologies for the reprocessing of the SNF and RW management, V.A. Koksharov,  rector of the Ural Federal University, V.V. Kruzhaev, the Vice-rector for science of the Ural Federal University, Yu.P. Zaikov, the Scientific director of the IHTE UB RAS, was organized in order to discuss the positive points of interaction between the AO Proryv with leading Ural scientific organizations and further prospects for cooperation both within the Proryv project direction and other projects located in the competence zone of Ural Federal University and IHTE UB RAS.  A special attention to the personnel training in accordance with the new requirements of the nuclear industry was paid.

The workshop delegates and participants emphasized the wide and active participation of representatives of the scientific community of the Rosatom state corporation, along with well managed organization of the workshop. Based on its results, the tasks for 2019 within the framework of the Breakthrough project direction were determined.