

Unique autonomous current source

         LPGMG LLC «Gazprom transgaz Ekaterinburg» in Malyi istok is successfully completed the acceptance testing of the unique autonomous power source prototype SOFC-ECG-1500. This is an electrochemical generator based on solid oxide fuel cells developed by the Electrochemical Converters Plant in conjunction with the IHTE UB RAS. During the acceptance tests started in December 2014, SOFC-ECG-1500 operated for almost 20 thousand hours without emergency stops. It means that this equipment is not inferior to the analogues of the best foreign manufacturers by its characteristics. In December last year, an electrochemical generator was presented to the acceptance committee of PJSC “Gazprom” where specialists, having studied all the materials, concluded that the prototype has passed the tests and can be used at «Gazprom transgaz Ekaterinburg» facilities.
      In 2018 it is planned to continue the SOFC-ECG-1500 pilot operation to determine the indicators of reliability, service life and maintenance. A new and permanent location place will be the cathodic protection station on the Dombarovka-Orenburg gas main in the area of Mednogorsk LPGMG.