



Dmitry Medvedev is 29 years old. He was born in Nizhniy Tagil and then came to Ekatherinburg. He is a graduate of the Institute of Chemical Engineering UrFU. Foto with AlexandrZaytsev.

    The list of the winners of the Sverdlovsk region Governor award 2015 for young scientistswas announced on the 13th February 2016. According to the competition young scientists and PhD students, who work in scientific establishments or academic universities of the Sverdlovsk region, are awarded for significant fundamental scientific works published in the form of monographs or a series of articles in leading Russian or foreign papers as well as works, which have scientific-practical and economic results. In accordance with a decree of the Sverdlovsk region governor the competition included 20 nominations in 2015.

     In one of the nominations Dmitry Andreyevich Medvedev, senior researcher of the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry, PhD (Chemistry) was awarded. The work “BaCeOз  based proton-conducting solid oxide membranes: design and optimization of their properties to be used in electrochemical devices” won in the nomination “The best work in the field of solid state chemistry and electrochemistry”

   Scientific works of D.A. Medvedev are devoted to the high temperature proton electrolytes obtaining, study of their key properties and their usage in electrochemical devices. The scientific activity of the young scientist is impressive: the amount of papers published in peer-reviewed papers is 36, Citation index is 225 (Scopus), 290 (GoogleScholar) and Hirsch number is7 (Scopus), 8 (GoogleScholar).

    It is worth mentioning that a year ago Dmitry and et al published a monograph on the subject of his studies.

        Congratulations to the winner! And we wish you success and achievements!