

Traditional pre-New Year meeting

DSC00831    A traditional pre-new year meeting of the employees of the Institute of High Temperature Elecrochemistry (IHTE UB RAS) was carried out on the 29th of December 2014. Director of IHTE Zaykov Yurii Pavlovich reported about the basic acomplishments of 2014, new scientific achievements, and congratulated all personnel with Christmas and New Year holidays.

     In 2014, the investigations related to six registered budget projects, six Agreements on subsidies submission within a framework of Federal Target Programs, 11 Projects of RAS Presidium, 11 Projects of Department of Chemistry and Science Materials (DCSM) of RAS have been performed; 1 Project was developed together with Far Eastern Branch of RAS, 5 Integration Projects of UB RAS, 1 interdisciplinary project of UB RAS, 22 RFBR Grants, and 2 Grants of the President of RF for state support of young Russian scientists as well as 28 contracts were carried out. Special attention should be paid to the Megagrant of Russian government won by IHTE UB RAS together with professor Panagiotis Tsiakaras (Thessaly University, Volos, Greece) in the nomination “Energetics and rational environmental management” in order to provide state support of scientific research carried out under the supervision of leading scientists in Russian educational institutes of higher professional education (the RF Government order dated 9th April 2010 № 220 “concerning actions on attracting leading scientists to Russian educational institutes of higher professional education”). The separate Lab of Electrochemical Devices Based on Solid Oxide Proton Electrolytes under the supervision of professor Tsiakaras was created in order to realize the project.

         Director Zaykov Y.P. pointed out that among theoretial achievements the establishing regularities of complex formation in molten salts and studying the influence of protons interaction with defects on proton transfer in acceptor-doped proton-conductive oxides. The obtained results, related to the second issue, allow explaining experimental data concerning proton conductivity of a number of oxides and predict the properties of proton-conductive materials.

          The IHTE UB RAS continues its fruitful cooperation with the real economy sector enterprises. If to speak about the sphere of creation of metal and salt heat-carriers as well as about synthesis of nuclear fuel and refining spent nuclear fuel, IHTE has a partnership with “Rosatom”,SC. Together with “Roskosmos, SC the works concerning the “Green Fuel” project are underway. Production of new materials and creation of energy-saving technologies are of “RUSAL”, UC interest. Powerful thermal batteries are developed in cooperation with RUSSIAN  FEDERAL  NUCLEAR  CENTER. Electrochemical generators based on solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) found their application at Gazprom enterprises. At present, the experimental sample of isolated power installation AIT-SOFC-1500, made by “Plant of electrochemical transformers” (Rosatom enterprise) in cooperation with IHTE UB RAS, “Uralintekh”CJSC, “Ekoalyans” LLC, has been successfully tested as an energy supply station of cathode defense for the Gazprom OJSC project titled “The power of Siberia”. IMG-20150116-WA0000

     Director of IHTE UB RAS Zaykov Yu.P. also emphasized the fact that the publishing activity of researchers in international journals has increased. The average impact-factor of published articles is 2.56 in 2014.

   The IHTE funding due to extra-budgetary resources continues increasing. For the first time, the proportion of extra-budgetary funding compiled 50 % from general funding of the Institute.

     This year, a lot of presents, specially branded with IHTE name flag, were gifted to the personnel: colorful calendars, notebooks, flash-cards have already decorated working desks of the employees and partners of IHTE.


Dear partners and colleagues,

May the coming year bring you new opportunities and reach your bravest goals together with the most reliable partners!