
Special Issue in Journal of Power Sources

 New Special Issue  Advances of DRT approach towards solid-state electrochemical devices has been lunched in the Journal of Power Sources (IF 9.794, Cite Score 15.4).

The “DRT advances” issue aims to clarify the electrochemical characteristics of experimental and theoretical studies conducted on a wide range of solid state electrochemical systems using successful DRT analysis. The key areas of focus will include the theoretical and methodological aspects of the DRT technique, detailed characterization of electrode processes, separation of bulk and grain boundary transport in electrolyte materials, and modeling for the prediction and optimization of electrochemical devices.
 Keywords:  distribution of relaxation times, impedance spectroscopy, electrochemical processes, SOFCs and SOECS, batteries, electrodes

Guest Editors

2301290731_dmitry-medvedevDr. Dmitry Medvedev, PhD
Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry, Ekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: dmitrymedv[at]mail.ru
Scientific Interests: Protonic ceramic fuel cells, electrolytes, SOFCs, transport properties, electrodes
Prof. Minoru Inaba, PhD
Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
E-mail: minaba[at]mail.doshisha.ac.jp
Scientific Interests:  PEMFCs, SOFCs, lithium-ion batteries


2301290731_francesco-ciucciProf. Francesco Ciucci, PhD
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
Scientific Interests:  Energy conversion, energy storage, materials chemistry, impedance spectroscopy



You are invited to submit your manuscript at any time before the submission deadline of July 31, 2023. For any inquiries about the appropriateness of contribution topics, please contact Managing Guest Editor Minoru Inaba via minaba@mail.doshisha.ac.jp
Learn more about the benefits of publishing in a special issue: https://www.elsevier.com/authors/submit-your-paper/special-issues