

Special Issues

Dear colleagues!

The XVIII Russian Conference «Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of Molten and Solid State Electrolytes» dated from 21st – 25th of September 2020 had a distance format.

Within a framework of the Conference two Special Issues in peer-reviewed journals International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (IJHE, Scopus/WoS) and Chimica Techno Acta (CTA, Scopus, Open Access) opened a call for papers.

HETo date all accepted papers are published in the Special Issues and full article imprints are available:

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy: Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of Molten and Solid State Electrolytes (2021)  Volume 46, Issue 32, pp 16847 – 17050  https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/international-journal-of-hydrogen-energy/vol/46/issue/32

Chimica Techno Acta: PCEE-2020 Special IssueCTA (2021) Vol 8, No 1 https://journals.urfu.ru/index.php/chimtech/issue/view/414

Organizing committee of the conference cordially acknowledges the colleagues, who prepared and submitted their papers to the Special Issues and those, who reviewed the submitted manuscripts.

We hope that the future series of our Conference will be supported by timely and relevant scientific research that will definitely find readers on the pages of the peer-reviewed journals!


Organizing committee of the conference