

Woman in science

Yulia Lyagaeva became one of the 10 winners and the holder of the scholarship program of the Russian competition For Women in Science L’OREAL-UNESCO.

Лягаева-007-219x300Since 2007, the program has been implemented in Russia with the participation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO and as a part of the international project L’OREAL-UNESCO For Women in Science. Under the terms of the competition, applicants for a national scholarship can be women scientists, candidates and doctors of sciences under the age of 35  working in Russian scientific institutes and universities in the field of physics, chemistry, medicine and biology. The criteria for the selection of scholarship holders are scientific success, the significance and practical use of their scientific research, as well as the desire to continue a scientific career in Russia. 10 winners are selected annually. For 13 years, the number of applications and the popularity of the competition has been steadily increasing. The scholarship is awarded once.

On September 4, a meeting of the jury competition took place, where the winners of 2020 were selected, including Yulia Lyagaeva (PhD), an employee of the IHTE.
Julia studies the physicochemical properties of functional materials, develops single electrochemical cells of solid oxide devices that are used in hydrogen sensors, solid oxide fuel cells and electrolyzers,investigates the features of their functioning under conditions close to real ones. Julia is fascinated by both fundamental issues of the ratio between the composition and functional properties of electrolyte materials and solving a number of applied problems, including the development of methods for obtaining dense samples, the formation of cathode materials and electrochemical cells with a thin-layer electrolyte.

We wish the winner further success, participation in new interesting competitions and new victories!