

Switching to digital

         A scientific workshop “Digitization of  research and technologies” organized by the IHTE UB RAS, Institute of Reactor Materials, the R&D Proryv and Ural Federal University was held in Ekaterinburg on April 24-25.  The representatives from  Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering named after Dollezhal N.A.,  Polytechnic University of St. Petersburg, Institute for the Safe Development of Nuclear Energy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulyanovsk State University and other organizations have also participated in the workshop.

         The experts discussed the use of digital technologies in the creation and modernization of materials, technologies, and equipment for nuclear energy. Special attention was paid to digital processing technologies and the collection of scientific and technical information (articles, research and development reports, monographs, books, etc.), the creation of digital duplicates of models and facilities for the study of physical-chemical and corrosion properties of structural materials, devices and technologies of pyrochemical processes of spent nuclear fuel processing. Nowadays, the use of digital technologies should become an integral element for the development of  nuclear industry.

     Moreover, the following issues have also been discussed at the workshop:  the organization of works, trainings of scientific personnel, and the nearest plans. Besides, the roles and areas of responsibility of the participating organizations were defined. Among the solutions of the workshop is the preparation of a pilot project for creating digital twins of the experimental  facilities using the example of the Ural reactor facility of the Institute of Reactor Materials; and in this field, the consideration of using neural networks for modeling processes and properties during the development of pyrochemical technologies.

          The next workshop on digitalization is  to be held in the fourth quarter of this year.