

The Baraboshkin N.A. honorary diploma


At the end of the outgoing year 2018,  a traditional solemn ceremony of awarding employees from the academic institutions with silver medals and honorary diplomas named after outstanding Ural scientists  has been held at the Ural branch of RAS.

Among the laureates was an employee from our Institute, the head of the laboratory of chemical power sources, Doctor of science (chemistry), Yolshina Liudmila Avgustovna. She was rewarded with the honorary diploma named after A.N. Baraboshkin for the scientific work “Formation of the scientific basis for obtaining  new nanodispersed aluminum alloys and composite nanomaterials based on aluminum matrix, including those containing graphene.”


 We congratulate Liudmila Avgustovna and wish many novel and interesting discoveries from the team of the IHTE UB RAS!