Electrochemical production of continuous silicon layers in molten alkali halide mixture

This study belongs to the field of non-metallic metallurgy, production of electrolytic silicon in the form of 1µm to 1 mm thick layers which may be used as semiconductors for “solar batteries” and etc.  The electrochemical method for silicon continuous layers production by potassium hexafluoridesilicate electrolysis in molten silicon compounds containing halides, includes the electrolysis process in the KCl (15÷50) –  KF (5÷50) – (10÷35) K2SiF6 wt. % melt in the temperature range 650 – 800°С at the cathode current density variations from 10 mА/сm2  to 150 mА/сm2 in air. The fact that the process is performed in air atmosphere facilitates the production mechanism and reduces the production cost of continuous silicon coatings from molten salts which allows making fabricated parts for solar batteries by the method of galvanoplastics. This eliminates technological conversions used presently at industrial production of these parts.


  1. Chemezov O.V., Apisarov A.P., Isakov A.V., Zaykov Yu.P. Patent RU №2491374 issued on 27.08.2013 «Electrochemical method of obtaining continuous layers of silicon»
  2. Zaykov Yu.P., Isakov A.V., Apisarov A.P., Chemezov O.V.Silicon production by the chloride0fuoride melts electrolysis. Proceedings of the 12th Andrianoskaya conference «Silicon-organic compounds. Synthesis, properties, application» 25-27 of September, Moscow, M. 2013, p.73
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Authors: Zaykov Yu.P., DSc(Chemistry), Chemezov O.V. ,PhD (Chemistry), Apisarov A.P., PhD (Chemistry), Isakov A.V., PhD (Chemistry)