The laboratory employees



Scientific supervisor: Panagiotis Tsiakaras, professor of Thessaly University (Greece)

Scientific interests. Solid State Electrochemistry, Heterogeneous Catalysis, Electrocatalysis and R&D of Electrochemical Devices Engineering (Fuel cells, Electrolyzers, Sensors, Electrochemical Reactors etc.).

Publication activity. Рrof. Tsiakaras is a co-author of more than 335 scientific papers, cited more than 15400 times, h-index is 69 (according to the SCOPUS database). According to the Web of Science database – there are 330 scientific papers,  cited 14900 times, h-index is 67.

Scientific acknowledgement, awards, etc. In 1992, Prof. Tsiakaras was awarded with the Eurodoct price for young scientists; in 1994, he was appointed at the Department of Mechanical Engineering-University of Thessaly. He was a visiting Professor at the Department of Industrial Chemistry & Materials Engineering of the University of Messina-Italy (2010) and at the National Council of Research (CNR-TAE), Italy (2014). Ηe is a member of national and international scientific societies and of the editorial board of Renewable Energy and active reviewer of more than 70 ELSEVIER, ECS, WILEY, ACS, RSC scientific journals.

Curriculum vitae



The lobaratory head

Medvedev Dmitry Andreevich (personal page)

DrSc (Chemistry)

Scientific interests: Research interests are related to obtaining new functional and structural materials for high-temperature electrochemical applications (these materials have improved stabilization, mechanical, ceramic, and electrical characteristics); development and application of oxide materials with mixed ionic-electronic conductivity in membrane devices for obtaining high-purity hydrogen by water vapor conversion; application of high-temperature proton electrolytes in electrochemical devices, including sensors, electrolyzers and solid oxide fuel cells; development of technical solutions for the formation of ceramic materials, multilayer elements and single cells of electrochemical devices; identifying the main directions for the development of promising materials and their effective use in electrochemical devices.

Publication activity: according to the Web of Science database Dmitry is a co-author of 130 publications cited 3670 times, h-index is 35. According to the base Scopus there are 159 publications, cited 4100 times, h-index is 36.

Тел.: +7 (343) 362-34-90;

+7 (343) 362-32-02













Demin Anatoly Konstantinovich,

Leading researcher, PhD (Chemistry)

Scientific interests: solid-state electrochemistry, theoretical and experimental study of solid oxide electrochemical devices based on electrolytes with oxygen ion and proton conductivity and mixed ion-electron conductors: fuel cells, electrolyzers, oxygen pumps, electrochemical reformers, amperometric sensors; investigation of macrokinetic processes in these devices, systematic analysis of these devices.

Publication activity: According to the Web of Science database – 120 scientific papers, about 3200 citations, Hirsch index – 29. According to SCOPUS – 128 publications, about 3500 quotes, Hirsch index is 33.


Animitsa Irina Evgenievna






Volkov Alexander Nicolaevich

Senior researcher, PhD (Chemistry)

Scientific interests: development of gas sensors based on solid electrolyte electrochemical cells, the study of gas diffusion, and development of analytical methods for measurement of gases humidity.

Publication activity: According to the Web of Science database – 34 scientific papers, about 150 citations, Hirsch index is 8. According to SCOPUS database – 27 publications, about 300 citations, Hirsch index is 10.




Lyagaeva Julia Georgievna

Senior Researcher, PhD (Chemistry)

Scientific interests:  physico-chemical properties of solid oxide proton electrolytes and electrode materials,  chemical and thermal compatibility of promising electrolytes and electrode materials, development and investigation of characteristics of single electrochemical cells with thin layer electrolyte.

Publication activity: According to the Web of Science database – 44 scientific papers, about 1500 citations, Hirsch index is 26. According to SCOPUS database – 55 publications, about 1800 citations, Hirsch index is 28.

Kalyakin Anatoly Sergeevich

Researcher, PhD (Chemistry)

Scientific interests: development of gas sensors based on solid electrolyte electrochemical cells, study of gas diffusion, development of analytical methods for measurement of humidity of gases.

Publication activity: According to the Web of Science database – 19 scientific papers, 100 citations, Hirsch index is 6. According to SCOPUS database – 28 publications, about 230 citations, Hirsch index is 9.



  Vdovin Gennady Konstantinovich


Publication activity: According to the Web of Science database – 47 scientific papers, 820 citations, Hirsch index is 19. According to SCOPUS database – 70 publications, about 1000 citations, Hirsch index is 21.





Gorbova Elena Vladimirovna


Publication activity: According to the Web of Science database – 24 scientific papers, 750 citations, Hirsch index is 18. According to SCOPUS database – 28 publications, about 800 citations, Hirsch index is 18.




Danilov Nikolay Alexandrovich

Researcher of the Laboratory of Cross-Cutting Technologies in Distributed Power Generation (InEnergy)

Publication activity: According to the Web of Science database – 20 scientific papers, 500 citations, Hirsch index is 14. According to SCOPUS database – 22 publications, about 555 citations, Hirsch index is 14.







Starostin Georgy Nikolaevich






Starostina Inna Anatolievna

Researcher, PhD (Chemistry)

Publication activity: According to the Web of Science database – 16 scientific papers, 170 citations, Hirsch index is 6. According to SCOPUS database – 18 publications, about 225 citations, Hirsch index is 7.


Мария Гордеева (2)




Gordeeva Maria Andreevna










Danilov Yuri Vladimirovich


Publication activity: According to Web of Science and SCOPUS databases – 2 publications, 6 citations, Hirsch index is 1.






Rudenko (Nikitina) Anna Olegovna

Senior engineer

Publication activity: According to the Web of Science database – 4 scientific papers, Hirsch index is 2. According to SCOPUS database 4 publications, Hirsch index is 3.



Tarutina (Khakimova) Liana Raisovna


Publication activity: according to the Web of Science database – 9 scientific papers, 220 citations, Hirsch index is 7. According to SCOPUS database – 11 publications, about 250 citations, Hirsch index is 8.


Matkin Danil Evgenievich





Voronin Vladimir Ivanovich




Akopyan Mariam Tigranovna













Grishina Anna Vladimirovna

Researcher of the Laboratory of Cross-Cutting Technologies in Distributed Power Generation (InEnergy)

Publication activity: according to the Web of Science database – 6 scientific papers, 84 citations, Hirsch index is 4. According to SCOPUS database – 28 publications, about 280 citations, Hirsch index is 8.



Tarutin Artem Pavlovich

Researcher of the Laboratory of Cross-Cutting Technologies in Distributed Power Generation (InEnergy)

Publication activity: according to the Web of Science database – 20 scientific papers, 450 citations, Hirsch index is 12. According to SCOPUS database – 24 publications, about 500 citations, Hirsch index is 12.

Lesnicheva Alena Sergeevna



Анохина Ирина



Anokhina Irina Alexandrovna


2021 July
*Author of some photos – Sergey Novikov


A full list of laboratory employees for different years is presented in the appropriate orders.

