Khokhlov Vladimir Antonovich is 80 years old!

On September 3, 2020, Vladimir Antonovich Khokhlovciences Doctor of Sciences in Chemistry, Professor, Principle researcher of the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, turns 80. Vladimir Antonovich was born in the city of Sestroretsk, Leningrad Region. In 1962, he graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of …

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11th International Frumkin Symposium on Electrochemistry in October 2021

Dear Colleagues! Extension of the COVID-19 epidemic makes it impossible to arrange the symposium in 2020. Thus, it is postponed up to October 2021 (expectedly October 18-22). The Symposium website, as well as the registration and abstracts submission engine, will remain fully operational so that the previously submitted materials will be kept active. Looking forward …

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Journal: Electrochimica Acta → Special issue: Distribution of Relaxation Time Analysis for Solid State Electrochemistry

Senior researcher of the Institute, Dmitry Medvedev (DSc(Chemistry) was invited as a Guest Editor to one of the leading scientific journals in the field of electrochemistry – Electrochimica Acta. A special issue has been launched as a platform for discussion of the DRT (distribution of relaxation times) method application for analysis of the impedance spectra and proper …

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Journal: Applied Sciences → Special Issue “Proton Conducting Solid Oxide Fuel Cells”

Dear colleagues! Leading researcher of our Institute, Liliya Dunushkina (DSc(chemistry) was invited as a guest editor to the Journal Applied Sciences (MDPI, Impact Factor (WoS) – 2.474, Q2 in “Physics Applied”, “Chemistry, Multidisciplinary” and “Engineering, Multidisciplinary”). The topic of the Special Issue “Proton Conducting Solid Oxide Fuel Cells” was enhanced to cover the ultimate achievements in …

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Scientists have invented an oxygen sensor with unique reliability

The oxygen concentration in the medium is determined using two plates Scientists from the Ural Federal University and the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences have created a combined electrochemical amperometric-potentiometric oxygen sensor, which differs from existing sensors by an unusual design solution and increased reliability. …

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Maksim V.Ananyev celebrates his 35th birthday

Today, on April 24, Maxim Vasilievich Ananiev, a promising scientist and the youngest director of the Institute in the Ural Branch, celebrates his 35th birthday. The scientific interests of Maxim Vasilievich is the kinetics of electrode processes at the interface with solid oxide electrolytes. The scientist also pays great attention to scientific, organizational and teaching …

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The Council of Young Scientists – new membership

On March 16, a meeting of the Council of Young Scientists was held at the IHTE UB RAS.  The main membership of the Council, graduate students and masters took part at the meeting. The agenda included a change in the membership of the Council and the election of the chairman and secretary of the CYS. …

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Two years ago, a new laboratory appeared at the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry – Medical Materials Science and Bioceramics, whose employees are studying the process of integrating materials synthesized by IHTE scientists into the tissues of the musculoskeletal system. The laboratory is headed by Mikhail V. Gilev, who recently defended his doctoral thesis  “Augmentation …

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 The third scientific workshop “Development of technologies and equipment for the pyrochemical processing of fast neutron SNF” took place at the Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (Ekaterinburg) on March 3-4 . The technology for pyrochemical processing of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is  created as a part of a Breakthorugh, …

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Well-deserved success

This year, the prize  winner of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region for the best work in the field of solid state chemistry and electrochemistry became a researcher from the Laboratory of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells at the IHTE UB RAS, Natalia M.Porotnikova, Ph.D. The title of her work is “Fundamental research on the kinetics …

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