Solid oxide fuel cell

By the order of LLC “Gazpromneftegaz Yekaterinburg” the experimental prototype of self- contained power installation for current supply of cathode protection stations used in main gas pipelines was developed and fabricated in the LLC “Electrochemical converter plant”(Novouralsk), on the research base and  technical support of IHTE UB RAS. The main characteristics and external view of power installation is presented in figure.

The power installation is much-in-demand in many sectors of the national economy.  On the 21 of August 2013 the power installation was demonstrated at the “Innovation day of Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation” exhibition in Moscow and was acknowledged for merits in the field of innovative technologies development and implementation.

Main characteristics of AIT TOTE-1500
FuelOxidizer – nature gas
– atm.air
Energy Efficiency,
not less, %
– 35
Nominal rating power, kWt – 1,5
Nominal voltage,V:-DC- AC, Hz – 24- 220
Overall dimension of energy block (HxDxW),mm – 1700х1300х1100
Weight, not more, kg – 170
Fuel consumption, nm3/h – 0,40 ±0,02

Authors: Demin A.K. ( PhD,Head of  the laboratory), Chuikin A.Yu. (PhD, senior researcher), Gorshkov M.Yu. (junior researcher), Efremov A.N. (junior researcher), Danilov Yu.V (senior engineer), Gorbova E.V. ( junior researcher).