Head of the Laboratory of Radiochemistry
Scientific interests include kinetics and mechanisms of electrode and chemical processes at the production of pure metals, alloys and composition materials in molten salts. The research expands from the analysis of the fundamental physical-chemical regularities of the processes to the development of new energy-efficient production technologies of highly-demanded materials and alloys.
e-mail: suzdaltsev_av[at]
Publication activity:
Web of Science ResearcherID: G-8015-2012
Scopus Author ID: 55218703800
ORCID: 0000-0003-3004-7611
E-library Author ID: 610482, SPIN-код: 1232-0532
ResearchGate webpage
Book “Light Metals 2015” edited by Margaret Hyland,
Chapter Production of Al-Sc Alloy by Electrolysis of Cryolite-Scandium Oxide Melts
by Yuriy Shtefanyuk, Victor Mann, Vitaliy Pingin, Dmitriy Vinogradov, Yuriy Zaikov, Olga Tkacheva, Andrey Nikolaev, Andrey Suzdaltsev. ISBN: 978-3-319-48610-9, 2015, pp. 589-593.
Book “Light Metals 2020” edited by Alan Tomsett,
Chapter Electrochemical Behaviour of Cu-Al Oxygen-Evolving Anodes in Low-Temperature Fluoride Melts and Suspensions
by Andrey S. Yasinskiy, Sai Krishna Padamata, Peter V. Polyakov, Aleksandr S. Samoilo, Andrey V. Suzdaltsev, Andrey Yu. Nikolaev. Print ISBN978-3-030-36407-6. Online ISBN978-3-030-36408-3. Springer, Cham. Copyright year: 2020, pp 591-599
Book “Light Metals 2020” edited by Alan Tomsett,
Chapter Electrolysis of Low-temperature Suspensions: An Update
by Andrey S. Yasinskiy, Andrey V. Suzdaltsev, Sai Krishna Padamata, Peter V. Polyakov, Yuriy Zaikov. Print ISBN978-3-030-36407-6. Online ISBN978-3-030-36408-3. Springer, Cham. Copyright year: 2020, pp 626-636