Roman Muradymov

Junior researcher at the Laboratory of Electrochemical Power Sources

Scientific interests include the development of methods for obtaining micro- and nano-sized powders of graphene and graphene-like materials in a molten metal medium, the study of their properties and the creation of modified metal matrix materials on their basis.


Publication activity:

Reseacher ID (WoS): R-4105-2018

Scopus Author ID: 56523173000

AUTHOR ID / SPIN-код (РИНЦ): 5321-9548

ORCID: 0000-0002-7629-0732.


Yolshina L.A., Muradymov R.V., Vovkotrub E.G., Smirnov S.V. Diamond synthesis in aluminum matrix in molten alkali-halide at ambient pressure// Diamond and Related Materials. 2015. v. 55. p. 1-11.

Yolshina L.A., Muradymov R.V., Korsun I.V., Yakovlev G.A., Smirnov S.V. Novel aluminum-graphene and aluminum graphite metallic composite materials: synthesis and properties// Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2016. v. 663. p. 449-459.

I.G. Brodova, A.N. Petrova, I.G. Shirinkina, D.Yu. Rasposienko, L.A. Yolshina,  R.V. Muradymov, S.V. Razorenov, E.V. Shorokhov. Mechanical properties of submicrocrystalline aluminium matrix composites reinforced by “in situ” graphene through severe plastic deformation processes// Journal of Alloys and Compounds 859 (2021) 158387