Varvara Dorogova

Varvara Dorogova
Researcher at the Laboratory of Cross-Cutting Technologies in Distributed Power Generation (InEnergy)

Scientific Interests include investigations of different carbon nanoparticles, including carbon-nanocomposites, graphene, reduced graphene oxide, nano-diamonds and their adsorption and electrochemical properties.


Publication activity:

Reseacher ID (WoS): ABA-1297-2020

Scopus Author ID:  56459028200

AUTHOR ID / SPIN-код (РИНЦ): 992260 /6529-7519


Yolshina, L.A.Yolshina, V.A.Pershina, S.V.Pryakhina, V.I. Study of thermal stability of hierarchical structured carbon composite flakes. Diamond and Related Materials. 2021, 119, 108556.