Dr. Georgiy Shekhtman

DSc (Chemistry)

Leading researcher at the Laboratory of Electrochemical Power Sources

Scientific Interests: solid electrolytes, alkali ion conductivity, superionic state, crystal structure, phase transitions, subsolidus phase relations, lithium (sodium) and lithium ion (sodium ion) batteries, electrode materials, all-solid-state batteries.

E-mail: shekhtman@ihte.ru

Publication activity:

Reseacher ID (WoS): B-6772-2017

ScopusAuthor ID: 7004719553

E-library Author ID: 52025, SPIN: 5970-4100

ORCID: 0000-0003-4769-7127

Shchelkanova, M.; Shekhtman, G.; Pershina, S.; Vovkotrub, E. Physico-Chemical Properties of NaV3O8 Prepared by Solid-State Reaction. Materials 202114, 6976. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14226976

Shekhtman, G.S.; Sherstobitova, E.A.; Shchelkanova, M.S.; Ilyina, E.A. Phase Relations in a NaFeO2-SnO2 (0–50 mol.% SnO2) System and the Crystal Structure and Conductivity of Na0.8Fe0.8Sn0.2O2Materials 202215, 3612. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15103612

Shchelkanova, M.; Shekhtman, G.; Pershina, S. A Study of Li3.8Ge0.9S0.1O4 Solid Electrolyte Stability Relative to Electrode Materials of Lithium Power Sources. Batteries 20239, 66. https://doi.org/10.3390/batteries9020066