Alexander Kvashnichev

Junior researcher at theAlexander Kvasnichev 1 Laboratory of Electrochemical Power Sources

Scientific Interests include the development of methods for obtaining micro- and nano-sized powders of oxide materials in a molten metal medium, the study of their properties and the creation of modified metal matrix materials on their basis.


Publication activity:

Reseacher ID (WoS): H-2518-2019.

Scopus Author ID: 57198802307.

AUTHOR ID / SPIN-код (РИНЦ):992284/7266-4343

ORCID: 0000-0002-3313-8220.


Yolshina, L.A.,Kvashnichev, A.G. Vichuzhanin, D.I.Smirnova, E.O. Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Aluminum Matrix Composites Reinforced by In Situ Al2O3 Nanoparticles Fabricated via Direct Chemical Reaction in Molten Salts //Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2022, 12(17), 8907.

Elshina, L.A., Kvashnichev, A.G., Pelegov, D.V. Electrochemical Synthesis of Titanium Oxide Nanopowders in a Molten Mixture of Alkali Chlorides and Nitrates // Russian Metallurgy (Metally)this link is disabled, 2021, 2021(8), pp. 1029–1035.

Yolshina, L.A., Kvashnichev, A.G., Pelegov, D.V., Pryakhina, V.I. Molten salt synthesis and characterization of 1D sodium hexatitanate nanowires // Colloids and Interface Science Communications, 2021, 42, 100398.

Yolshina, L.A., Kvashinchev, A.G. Chemical interaction of liquid aluminum with metal oxides in molten salts// Materials and Design, 2016, 105, pp. 124–132.